her students refer to her as MissWalding-a-ling. She would go on and on about her life like we really cared if her son got an A on his report card. It was torture to sit in her class. The best part of the 45 minutes she spent with us was when we said “Adios.” I guess in every school there’s a teacher that qualifies as a sleeping pill.
Home and Careers is an okay class when I think about it. I love to talk about life and learn about life. It’s one of the only kinds of learning that gets my mind flowing and eager to know more. Things like how many times the heart beats per minute don’t seem important to me. So I’m glad there is a class like Home and Careers that turns on that interest switch in my brain. I can pass tests in the other classes and understand what they teach but it isn’t the same.
November 29
Dear Janice
T oday it happened! My sister has brought forth into the world an adorable baby boy named Devoy. I can’t believe I’ve got a nephew. I can’t believe my sister has a son. I’ve never thought of my sister as a mother.
I didn’t get a really good look at the little thing. They rolled him by in what looked to me like a glass cage. I don’t think my nephew should spend his first hours on the outside world in a glass cage.
When I came home from school my father told me shewent into labor. A thousand different feelings attacked me at once. I was happy I was going to meet my nephew or niece, I was nervous, I was apprehensive, I was sorry for my sister who I knew was in intense pain. For nine months, he was almost like a dream, now he’s so real. I know I’ll love him to death. I want to have a child as soon as I get out of college and have had a steady job for a year. Hopefully I’ll be married and making money so I could give the baby everything she (I hope) wants.
Sunday, November 31, 1990
Dear Janice
R ondah came home with the baby today. He is so adorable. He’s always sleeping and when he is awake, he doesn’t open his eyes much but I’ve still grown to start loving him. I can’t wait for him to get bigger so I can take him places and spoil him. I wonder what it will be like having a baby in the house. This is all so exciting. I think everyone feels how I do. My parents seem really happy. My aunts Mable and Rita came over with a few friends. People from around the area also came around to see him. The house has been really busy. When the excitement dies down, I’m prepared for the reality of having a baby around. One thing about me that’s helped me out in a new situation is that nothing really takes me by surprise.
December 3
Dear Janice
I ’m kind of upset right now. It’s because of Rondah and her attitude. I can’t even touch the baby without her having something to say about it. I understand she’s a new mother and she doesn’t want anything to happen to her baby, but she’s got to loosen up. It’s not like I throw him up in the air or make him do somersaults. I just hold him and look at him. My parents tell her to loosen up too but no one can change my sister. I trust my parents as experienced people when it comes to babies, they’ve had four, but Rondah isn’t listening to them about anything.
December 5, 1990
Dear Janice
D evoy actually stared at me today. He opened his eyes for a while and stared at me. My reaction was to run out of the room. He just looks so creepy. I don’t know why. It’s just coming to the realization that my sister has really made someone. I never really thought about it. It’s such an amazing thing.
In school everything is going on like it always does. Theonly difference in my day is I have something more to look forward to going home and seeing my nephew.
December 6, 1990
Dear Janice
T here was a brutal fight after school between two girls. I don’t know why but I know one of them didn’t want to fight. She was going on the bus when the other girl pulled her off the bus and started beating her like crazy.