Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12)

Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marcus Emerson
until finally flopping about ten feet away
from them.
    And then I realized her brilliance. Zoe’s friends dashed to
her aid as she clutched at her scraped knees. They were so concerned with her
that they left all their belongings behind in the grass. There were shoes with
socks stuffed into them, stretchy hair bands, and one lonely purple and pink
purse. Emily had left without it.
    I grabbed it while watching Zoe and her friends talk in the grass. She glanced over at me and winked. I nodded at her before
sprinting back to the woods as quickly as my scrawny legs could carry me.
    When I hopped through the trees, Wyatt was waiting for me
all by himself. The clan was nowhere to be seen.
    “Well done,” he said as he held his hands out.
    I dropped Emily’s purse into his palms. “So that’s it?”
    His mask moved as he spoke. “That’s it.”
    Suddenly Zoe stepped into the woods, joining us. Her faced
looked like she had been slapped around by the dirt fairy .
It even looked like her lip was bloody. Man, had she gotten into a fight since
I last saw her talking to her friends?
    “Happy?” she asked.
    “Quite,” Wyatt answered. His eyes looked piercing from the
ninja mask surrounding them. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on one! The mask,
I mean… not his eyes . For the record, I had no intention of getting my
hands on one of his eyes.
    Wyatt opened the purse and dumped the contents onto the
ground. Zoe clenched her fists in anger.
    “Why would you do that?” She asked. “Why not just take what
you want and leave the rest somewhere she could find it?”
    Wyatt chuckled. “Because that’s silly. The point of stealing
it is that it’s ours to do what we want with it.”
    My cousin stared at the short ninja. I thought time had
stopped because of how thick the tension was. I was waiting for her to throw a
punch at him. She tended to do things like that when she was angry.
    “I’m out,” she said, raising her palms. “This is making me
feel like throwing up.”
    “You can’t just leave now, sweetheart!” Wyatt sneered.
“You’re a member of the clan and guilty of theft! If you leave, we’ll make sure
you regret it!”
    The rest of the ninja clan started stepping out from behind
the trees. Many of the ninjas were pulling their masks back over their faces.
Their eyes looked angry.
    “Whatever,” Zoe said as she stepped through the trees. From
the other side of the foliage, she spoke to me. “You comin ’
or what?”
    I looked at Wyatt who was still holding Emily’s purse. The
ninja was calmly staring at me, shaking his head slowly. It was one of the
hardest things I’ve said in my life. “Sorry, Zoe. I think I’ll stay here.”

    Friday. 9:30 AM. Art class.

    I got to school late this morning, and it wasn’t by
accident. All night, my stomach had twisted and turned from not only stealing a
girl’s purse, but also betraying my own cousin. My parents didn’t seem to
notice, but my sister sure did. She was nice about it, not by asking what was
wrong, but hanging out with me while I wasted time playing video games.
    When I woke up, I acted sick. My mom bought it for a little
bit, at least enough to skip homeroom. But when she caught me out of bed and
playing basketball in my driveway, she took me straight to school. She barely
gave me time to get ready! I arrived for second period art class, but with
messed up hair.
    When I walked into class, I expected Zoe to scold me, but it
was worse than that. She completely ignored me. I know she saw me walk
into the room – everyone did and made fun of my hair. But she just sat at
her desk with her watercolors painting unicorns or something.
    When I looked at her canvas, I saw that she was painting
flowers. I was wrong about the unicorns.
    “Hey,” I said.
    She didn’t answer.
    “Hey Chase,” said Brayden . The
desks in the room were separated into clumps of four. He was in the clump
behind Zoe’s.
    “Hi,” I said, unenthusiastically.

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