Devine Intervention

Devine Intervention Read Online Free PDF

Book: Devine Intervention Read Online Free PDF
Author: Martha Brockenbrough
school borrow it for a field trip. Jockstraps in the lost-and-found outside the office, because how does that happen? HOW?”
    Megan stopped talking when the vice principal, Mr. Chomsky, stepped onstage into a spotlight that bounced white light off his glossy scalp. He cleared his throat,tapped the microphone, winced when it squealed, and announced: “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It is so nice to see your bright and shining faces today.”
    Students all around them groaned. Someone a few seats to Heidi’s left yelled, “ Talentpalooza!! sucks!”
    She could not have agreed more. And that was before everything happened.
    Mr. Chomsky raised his index finger in the air until there was silence. “There is a car in the parking lot with its lights on, a black Jeep.” He read the license number from a square of paper. Sully cursed.
    Go with . Jerome again. His guardian isn’t watching. And it’s safer than making a fool of yourself in front of the whole school. He might even offer to squeeze your milk cartons behind the bleachers.
    Heidi might have actually gone until Jerome had to mention the part about her milk cartons and the bleachers. Why did he have to take it there? To the milk cartons part. She was indifferent to bleachers.
    Then it was time for Tammy to perform. She bounced up onstage wearing a short white dress that showed off her tiny, perfectly pointed knees and slim ankles. Heidi figured she could fit a Tammy comfortably in her left thigh. To make matters worse, Tammy sang like an angel, performing a song she’d written herself, called “Adopt a Million Orphans.” That alone justified the two exclamation points in Talentpalooza!!
    Soon enough, though, Tammy sealed off the glories of her windpipe and stood drenched in the spotlight and the applause that rained from the heavens. Two rows in frontof Heidi and Megan, Piper and Hallie jumped up and down hugging each other, something that takes varsity-cheerleader levels of coordination. Heidi hummed a little “Freebird” in her head, but even that didn’t help. She started to pray. If there were a god, she wouldn’t have to follow an act that good.
    When the clapping faded and Tammy floated offstage, Mr. Chomsky bent in to the microphone again. He read off the name of the next act. She couldn’t quite make it out because Jerome was talking.
    Sure you wanna do this? If I were you, I’d run.
    Mr. Chomsky cleared his throat and repeated himself. Megan squealed and bounced up. She grabbed Heidi’s hand. “We’re going to kill up there!”
    Heidi’s legs engaged, but they felt like wet logs. She thumped into the aisle, holding her trench coat tightly around her ribs. It wouldn’t come off until the last possible second, she resolved. She trudged to the stage, where the light was so bright she couldn’t see past the first row of faces.
    Megan whispered something between clenched teeth.
    â€œThe coat! Take it off!”
    Heidi untied the belt and unfastened the buttons. Her fingers shook. Outerwear hadn’t given her this much trouble since preschool.
    â€œTake it off!” a boy’s voice said from the back row. He was rewarded with laughter and applause.
    Finally, Heidi triumphed over all the buttons. “Can I keep it like this?”
    Megan reached up, pulled the coat off Heidi’s shoulders,and flung it to the corner of the stage. She nodded at the A/V crew, and the music kicked in. A tango.
    I can’t watch. I’m outta here.
    As Jerome went quiet, the world went loud. There was so much noise — the music, the laughter, the blood pounding in her ears. She couldn’t remember any of the steps, so Megan pulled her along, doing her best to lead while looking like she wasn’t.
    â€œDee-vine! Dee-vine!” The chants started, then the clapping, timed with the beats of her name but slightly off tempo from the song. If
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