Destined To Fall

Destined To Fall Read Online Free PDF

Book: Destined To Fall Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tamsyn Bester
The only time I don’t pretend to be interested in our boring conversation is when I tell Drew about my job. I can’t help the excitement
in my voice when I talk about my career, and how much I love what I do. Not
that Drew is paying any attention. He’s too busy texting on his phone. So I
change the topic, and ask about him instead.
    Big mistake.
While he prattles on about his own job (of course he’s an investment banker, duh.) and the material objects that he owns, I notice three things. 1. He’s
vain, to the point that if I gave him a mirror, he’d probably flirt with his own
reflection. 2. He’s a douche bag. And 3. Kyler hasn’t taken his eyes off of us
since Drew sat down next to me. I can feel the penetrating heat of his cool blue
eyes boring into the side of my face. I chance a peek, but as soon as my head
turns, he looks away, pretending to be enthralled by the busty blonde currently
attached to his side.
    I think I’ve had enough of egotistical men and their idiocies for one night. I’ll
just have to satisfy the ache between my legs with a hot bath and my B.O.B.
He never lets me down.
“Well, kids, I’m going home,” I say, finishing off my drink, and interrupting
Drew mid-sentence. Or is it mid-text? Oh who gives a fuck. He’s a schmuck.
    “But it’s still early,” Quinn whines.
“I’m tired,” I lie. If my Southern manners weren’t so deeply embedded in my
brain I would tell them all I’m bored as hell. But I won’t. Instead I make some
feeble excuse about a late night last night, which Quinn knows is complete
rubbish, and gather my purse.
“Are you coming home tonight?” I ask Quinn, standing up.
“No, I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”
I hug her goodbye, and head for the door.
“It was nice meeting you, Drew. Maybe I’ll see you again some time.”
He smiles, having the audacity to look disappointed that I’m leaving.
“You too, Cassey..”
I leave the crowded bar and hail a cab instead of walking all the way home.Too
bad I can’t get far enough away from the cool blue eyes that now belong to a
real face. A face that is more than what I conjured up in a dream .

    I walk into my little office, feeling energized and enthusiastic about my day.
I take out my company issued MacBook Pro and connect it to the monitor
on my desk, before walking the short distance to our kitchenette. The smell
of fresh coffee assaults my nose and even though I stopped at Starbucks this
morning on my way to the office, I can’t resist a fresh cup of java.
    I mentally run through my To-Do list for today as I walk back to my office,
coffee in hand. The office is still pretty quiet, and I decided to come in an hour
earlier today to get some extra work done.
I startle when my desk phone rings, and narrowly miss coffee being spilt on
my ivory pencil skirt.
“Cassey Emeron speaking.”
    A warm, deep voice greets me on the other end and I grip my coffee mug
tighter, just to stop my skin from breaking out in goosebumps. “Good Morning, Miss Emerson.”
It takes me a minute to recognize the voice. I’m a little distracted by the way it
practically melts over my name. Sweet baby Jesus.
I finally find my own voice and force my words out, trying not to sound affected. “Good morning, Mr. Knight. What can I do for you?”
    “We have some things to discuss. I will have lunch ready for us in my office
at twelve p.m sharp. I expect you to be on time.” His tone is clipped, agitated
almost, and I wonder what it is that we could possibly have to discuss. Unless
he’s going to chew me a new one for being a little rude to him last night.
    “Okay, Mr. Knight,” I reply politely. The line clicks and he’s gone. I stare at my
phone as if it might possibly have an explanation for what just happened. After
several minutes, I finally put my phone down and pull myself towards myself
enough to start working. I check my emails, glancing at the clock every fifteen
minutes as it
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