Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter

Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter Read Online Free PDF

Book: Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jessica Sims
said in a soft voice, though I could hear a dangerous undercurrent in it. His arms crossed over his chest and he stood strong, legs apart, as if challenging Beau. “She had a bad experience and needs to know most wolves ain’t like that. We don’t turn people to control them. It’s my job to make sure my wolves are safe. If you’re pack, you’re mine. And she’s one of mine.”
    No, I’m not! The words wouldn’t come out of my mouth.
    As if sensing my distress, Levi looked over at me. The alpha’s eyes locked with mine, and I felt the overwhelming urge to obey. It frightened me. How could he have such control over who I was?
    “And in the meantime,” Beau said, “we’re going to discuss the possibility of the Anderson wolves joining the Alliance. A few have expressed interest in the Midnight Liaisons service, as their pack is looking for a few mates to add to their family.”
    “Oh,” my sister said in pleased surprise. “That would be very good.”
    Midnight Liaisons was the dating agency my sister and I owned, and it catered exclusively to paranormal clientele. The wolf packs traditionally shunned the use of the service, and the thought of adding them clearly excited my sister.
    Seemed like everyone was getting something out of this deal but me. I looked over at Ramsey, whose mouth was still pressed into a tight line of disapproval.
    “All right,” I said meekly.
    Levi clapped me on the shoulder, nearly startling me out of my skin and making me flinch away from him. “Good girl. Looks like you get to have your Huggy Bear after all. Unless you decide otherwise.” The small comment had an entire volume of menace. His tone implied that I should definitely consider “deciding otherwise.” But then he smiled, showing all his teeth. “Why don’t you go give your man a big kiss and wipe that scowl off his face?”
    It looked like the last thing Ramsey wanted right now was to kiss me, but I was terrified of losing the fragile peace, so I moved toward Ramsey.
    When he swept me up in his arms, I just gave him a light kiss on the mouth. His lips didn’t part under mine this time.

Chapter Four
    T he ride back to the Russell compound was extremely awkward. Connor insisted on riding with me, and since he was there, Ramsey refused to leave my side. As a result, I spent the long drive back into the city squished between Ramsey’s big frame and Connor’s rangy one. I desperately wanted to talk to my sister about what was going to happen next, but I couldn’t exactly do it in a crowded car.
    When we arrived back at the Russell compound, Connor frowned, his nostrils flaring as we stepped out of the car. “I smell lots of cats here,” he said uneasily, glancing back to the other van as the Russells—Savannah included—poured out. “This is where you’re staying? As a mated couple?”
    “We’re staying at my house,” Ramsey declared. He turned to my sister. “Get Sara’s things.”
    Bath glanced over at me, then nodded. “Be right back.”
    Guess that was settled. “I’m going to go help her—”
    Ramsey grabbed my arm. “No.”
    I flinched and instinctively recoiled.
    Roy’s hand grasping mine, his claws digging into my skin. “No, Roy. Please. I’ll be good. Please don’t hit me.”
    Ramsey immediately released my arm, his gaze meeting mine. “Please,” he said in a low voice, so low that even with my shifter hearing, I wasn’t entirely sure I’d heard it.
    I glanced over at Connor. “Can you give us a few minutes?”
    “Whatever,” he said in a sullen voice. Then, as if remembering that he needed to woo me, he gave me a forced smile. His gaze immediately went to Savannah, surrounded by her brothers, and he leaned back against the truck, content to watch his prey from afar.
    Ramsey turned and began to walk to the barn in the distance.
    I moved after him and trotted behind, uneasy. What did he want?
    When he got to the barn door, he opened it, stepped inside, and then waited for me. I
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