Desiring the Highlander

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Book: Desiring the Highlander Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michele Sinclair
called out to him. “Find your baron and tell him that we come for what belongs to his sister.”
    After overcoming his shock, the boy dashed into the tower with the message. Minutes later, a different, much chubbier, and somewhat better dressed adolescent came running out, breathing heavily, stating the baron would receive them in his presence room.
    Cole arched a single brow and stared at the lad. “And just who are you to speak for the baron?”
    “I’m…I’m…the herald,” the boy rasped out.
    Jaime twisted the reins he was holding and leaned forward. “Tell your baron that we will be received by no Englishman. If he wishes to speak to us, we will hear his words here.”
    The young herald stood in stunned silence for several seconds, opening and then closing his mouth. Cole pointed to the keep’s partially opened gates. “Go now, herald. Speak our words to your baron and be sure to tell him that we will be leaving before the sun reaches your trees.”
    The boy looked at the landscape and realized the sun would be setting below the tallest trees any minute now. He glanced back at Cole and gulped before scurrying back inside.
    Fifteen minutes later, the herald returned huffing. He was red and obviously uncomfortable with his message. “My lord says that he meets with his guests only on his terms, not theirs. He bids you to join him in some drink and food.”
    Cole smiled and the young lad blanched. He always thought it amusing that his smile was considered more frightening than his scowl. “That is good news then, herald. For it means I no longer have any reason to stay.” Then with a flick of his reins, Cole turned his mount around and headed home.

    Ellenor Howell stood staring out the small slotted window in her room in disbelief. The three men sitting on their enormous mounts were not like any of the Scotsmen she had ever seen. Most were big, but these three were huge. Not just in size, but also in sheer strength. The muscles in their arms and legs peeking out from their strange garments bulged with latent strength. And while the sight of all three of them together was alarming, it was the dark-haired man in the middle who caused the hairs on the back of her neck to twitch.
    He was the one in charge.
    Maybe it was how he sat, or maybe it was how he stared disdainfully down at her brother-in-law despite being surrounded by English soldiers, but the large Scot was not just in command of his small group, but all those present. Ellenor had no doubt the arrogance spewing from the giant was something he could support easily with deeds.
    The Scot’s shoulder-length hair was tied back, causing his face to appear severe and emotionless, almost as if it were cut from stone. The effect mirrored the rest of him. Hard and well defined. Never had Ellenor dreamed men could come in such sizes or with such strength.
    The knowledge chilled her core.
    The Scot adjusted a long bow that was hooked over his shoulder, and then casually tapped the handle of his sheathed broadsword. Only a fool would believe he was anything other than highly skilled with both weapons. This man was not afraid of anything. She had been wrong to assume the baron’s men had forced him to return. Something else compelled him to come back, for he certainly didn’t want to be here.
    Ellenor turned her eyes toward her brother-in-law, who was glowering in the center of the courtyard. A slight man of medium height, Ainsley Cordell’s auburn hair only accentuated his ruddy cheeks. His matching brown eyes were usually haughty, filled with disdain for anyone whom he did not consider a peer. But today, they lacked their normal unwarranted pride. It was as if Ainsley knew he was outmatched by the strangers, both in strength and mental agility. Still, that did not keep the fool from trying.
    “You are an arrogant man,” Ainsley barked without effect. “You refuse my hospitality and then have the gall to summon me outside my own home.”
    Ellenor watched
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