Desire (#5)
Colin standing beside a wall, a match in his hand, which threw a yellow flickering light across his face, distorting his features a little.
    I shivered.
    I followed the line of his finger and saw letters scraped into the rock. Benjamin and Colin’s cave. Enter at your own peril.
    Colin chuckled. “We were going through a phase, pretending we were the famous Easton smugglers, I think. The following summer we were pirates.”
    I smiled imagining Benjamin, playing games down here. It was hard to picture him ever being that carefree.
    Suddenly the low gurgling noise increased. I spun around. “What is that?
    Colin lit another match, illuminating his face. “The water is coming in, Kate. I’m afraid it’s time for you and I to say goodbye.”
    “Goodbye?” What the hell was he talking about? He was making me nervous.
    The match fizzled out, and a cold shiver of apprehension trickled down my spine.
    He sighed. “Believe me, Kate. I wish I didn’t have to do this. I wish there was another way.”
    “What are you talking about, Colin? You’re scaring me. Please, let’s just go back to the house.”
    “Now, listen, Kate. I don’t want you to panic. It won’t do you any good. I’ll explain what’s going to happen. The water will soon enter this cave. Within an hour, this entire space will be filled with water.”
    “What? We have to get out of here!” I pushed forward, and Colin’s face blurred in front of my eyes. I staggered then fell to my knees.
    “I put a little sedative in the chocolates,” he said looking down at me. “To make things easier. It’s up to you. You can wait for the water to rise and drown. Or you can eat the rest of the chocolates now and save yourself that awful experience.”
    He stared down at me, his face completely without compassion.
    I grabbed at his trouser leg, clutching the fabric between my fingers. Was this some kind of sick joke? He wanted me to drown … and my baby.
    “Why?” I said, trying to stand up again.
    He moved back away from me, into the shadows.
    I had to pull myself together. I could follow him out of here then get help. Dammit, I should have brought my cell phone.
    “I hadn’t planned this. Even after you met Benjamin, I didn’t consider you a threat, at all. My plan was always to cause Benjamin an accident of some sort, so I could inherit the Easton Legacy. Even with you on the scene, that wouldn’t have changed. I would still be Benjamin’s heir. But of course, the baby changes everything.”
    My hands went to my stomach automatically. “You won’t get away with this,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “But if you take me out of here now. I promise never to tell Benjamin what you’ve done.”
    Colin laughed. “Oh, Kate. I’m not quite as stupid as you think.”
    Fury boiled my blood. “He’ll kill you!” I shouted. “He’ll never let you get away with this.”
    “Of course he would kill me if he ever found out,” Colin said, tilting his head to one side. “But he won’t. I will play my role as compassionate cousin and comfort him, and bide my time until the moment is ripe for another unfortunate accident. Benjamin won’t be so lucky next time.”
    “That was you?” I asked, my head swimming. Black dots swirled in front of my eyes. “You caused Benjamin’s accident in England?”
    “An error on my part.” Colin shrugged. “Next time he won’t survive the crash, and his new security team are on my payroll.”
    I fell to my knees. The effect of the sedative was growing stronger. I had to get out of here quickly. I had to warn Benjamin that the one member of his family he trusted wanted him dead. The image of Benjamin bruised and battered after the crash filled my mind, and anger flashed through me.
    My fingers fumbled along the sandy bank until they closed around a rock. I threw it as hard as I could at Colin’s head.
    The rock connected with the side of his face, just missing his eye. I heard him gasp as the rock made
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