Designing Passion
anticipated with her date. Her excitement grew.
    Her weighty skirt flapped in the brisk wind, while the splashing sound of the heavy waves lapping against the sand and the rocks commanded her attention. A few stray seagulls walked solemnly along the waterline, scavenging through the swept up piles of sopping green seaweed. A flock of the squawking birds farther down the shore circled a larger prize, pulling and grabbing, then flew away with their bounty.
    As an incoming wave of water and foam washed over Tawny’s toes, the ebbing tide left a starfish sprawled helplessly in its wake.
    “Oh, this is so beautiful.” She gathered her skirt as she bent down to inspect the reddish, five-pointed creature. Her escort kneeled beside her.
    “He’s remarkable.”
    “How will it get back to the water?”
    “That’s the beauty of it; when something gets lost or misplaced, nature usually finds a way of getting it back to where it belongs.” He gave a witty smile as the incoming whoosh of another wave drew closer. Taking her hand, he guided her to her feet before the cascading water arrived. Caught in his penetrating gaze, she followed his nod as he looked back to the wet sand left by the receding tide. To her pleasure, the starfish was gone.
    “See, he’s finding his way home as we speak.”
    Tawny returned his grin, still holding his hand. Off in the distance, the squawking of the seagulls faded as they flew away under the darkened sky. Her inhale carried the tangy odor of brine and the heady scent of musty ocean life.
    They walked hand in hand while she eyed the shallow pools left in the hollows of the shoreline.
    “Are you cold?” The mystery man paused, removing his long coat. Before she could reply, he draped it around her exposed shoulders.
    “Thank you.”
    “I look forward to taking it off, too.” He pulled the edges of the coat over her exposed flesh with a dark, sexy grin.
    Tawny’s pulse raced as a jolt rippled through her core forcing her to slow her breathing to a more deliberate pace. She hadn’t expected to find her date quite so attractive. She hadn’t even seen his face, but those eyes, those entrancing eyes….
    “I’m not so good at—this. I’ve never, ever….” He shook his head from side to side.
    “Neither have I,” Tawny blurted out with relief, and the warmth of her cheeks grew against the chilly gusts.
    “Would you mind terribly if I asked a personal question?”
    “I suppose that would depend on the question.”
    “That’s fair enough.” He laughed. “You are a beautiful woman, maybe a little shy, but what made you—” His loss of words evoked an embarrassed laugh from her.
    “What made me want a one-night stand?”
    “Yeah.” His nod and deep sigh revealed apprehension and anxiety that echoed her own.
    “Honestly? My friend—uh—encouraged me.”
    The uneasy knots in her stomach began to restrict her breathing. She cleared her throat. Tawny hadn’t expected any sharing of personal motives, but remarkably, she didn’t mind admitting her hopes to him.
    “I lost someone I loved a long time ago, and never got over it. Life has been—difficult. I guess my friend wanted me to try to move on, and this just seemed easier.”
    “I see.” His gaze fell to the taupe grains coating her toes.
    “And you?”
    “I—a long time ago—I—” She found his flustered tone endearing. Letting out a deep exhale, he continued in a more composed fashion. “I suppose I needed the same encouragement.”
    Their silence lingered until the wind began to gust. The whitecaps crashed against the shore with increasing intensity. A heavy cloud cover rolled in.
    The howling wind brought the faded sound of rumbling thunder. Flashes of booming white light lit up the mass of clouds, followed by a louder crack as the storm approached.
    The ominous air sent shivers down Tawny’s spine. Her body tensed, watching the storm front amplify before her eyes. “Well, so much for a clear night with a full
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