Descending (The Rising Series)

Descending (The Rising Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Descending (The Rising Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Holly Kelly
the money to pay all my bills with enough left over to have fun on the weekends. My life is great.”
    “That sounds wonderful, but I’m sure the internship comes with its own stress.”
    Gretchen hugged the pillow to her chest. “It can be stressful.” She sighed. “I just wish Hal would listen to me.”
    “Is this the boyfriend you are so happy with?”
    “I am happy. At least, I used to be. Things were better when Sara was here.”
    “Your best friend.” Dr. Vincent spoke it as a statement.
    “Yes. We were as close as any two sisters. I could tell her almost anything.”
    “I think it odd you two only met a year ago, yet you both act as if you’d been friends for years.”
    Gretchen shrugged. “We just connected. I can’t explain it.”
    “How long ago did she move away?”
    “It’s been a month.”
    Dr. Vincent’s brows crinkled . Wow, a reaction.
    Gretchen’s eyes widened. “You think I’m back in therapy because my best friend got married and moved to the other side of the world?”
    “Are you?”
    “Now that would be ridiculous. I’m a grown woman. Why should the fact my best friend left…” Gretchen couldn’t continue. A lump got stuck in her throat, and she clutched the pillow in a vice grip. “I’m scared,” she whispered.
    “What are you afraid of?” Dr. Vincent’s eyes warmed with concern.
    “I’m afraid it’s all going to come crashing down. The world I built, I mean. The relationships I’ve made. I love my life, but always in the back of my mind, I know it could end. I’ve witnessed the other side—the evil, cold, and dark side. It gives me nightmares even now.”
    “It might help if you’d talk about it.”
    “I’ve tried.”
    “Yes, I know. Your previous therapist was wrong to dismiss your early memories. Whether or not they happened, they were real to you.”
    “He thought I should be committed.”
    “He was wrong. You are a smart, capable woman. Smart enough to take another look at those memories and begin to process and understand them.”
    “I may be smart enough, but I just don’t see the point in dredging up the past. I have such a bright future. Shouldn’t I be focused on that?”
    “Absolutely. But should you ever decide to delve into the past, I’m a good listener.”
    Gretchen smiled. “Yes, you are.”
    Dr. Yauney looked up at the clock. “Before we end here, I want to have you do something for me. During the next week, I want you to brainstorm reasons you feel out of control. You might want to retrace your steps and figure out when things started to look bad. Will you do that for me?”
    “I take it you think I already know the answer.”
    “I know you do. You just need to open up your mind to it.”
    An hour later, Gretchen stepped into the law offices of Donnellson, Gardner, and Cole. Things had been strained since the horrific day at the courthouse. She and Ms. Gardener initially worked well together. But after…?
    Yeah. It hadn’t been pretty.
    The cool air-conditioning raised goose pimples on her skin. The receptionist looked up from behind a mahogany desk, and her eyes widened. “Ms. Winters… um, Ms. Gardner would like to see you immediately.” Her eyes darted toward the door leading to the offices and back to Gretchen. A look of pity was written clearly across the girl’s face.
    A lump formed in Gretchen’s throat. “Thank you.”
    She walked back through the wide hall. The nameplate—Andrea Gardner, Attorney-at-Law—shone from the door at the end. Gretchen stepped down to it and knocked softly.
    “Come in.”
    Ms. Gardner always exuded an aura of true professionalism. Her suits were pressed so crisp you could cut a pineapple against it, she wore her make-up simple, always perfect, and nothing ever upset her.
    Today, she was upset.
    Gretchen stepped inside and closed the door.
    “I got a call from Jami Tollman’s caseworker. Her father fatally shot himself. Jami has been returned to the foster care system.”
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