Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning.

Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning. Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning. Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joel Heath
don’t know.”
“I faced one, and lived to tell about it.”
“What? You got one?” the passenger
“I wounded one,” Spencer corrected,
“back in North Carolina. Besides, our odds might
be better together.”
“What the hell, flip around. We’re going
out west. I hear there’s a safe place in Arizona,”
the driver said.
“It might be safe to assume that most if
not all major cities have been…overrun by these
demons,” Spencer guessed. “We should avoid
“I reckon you’re right,” the driver agreed.
Spencer flipped his GTO around and the two
vehicles began their trek west stopping near the
town of Crestview Florida to lay out their route,
top off supplies and put up some extra gas for the
pickup truck.
“You know,” the truck driver began “I’m
surprised we ain’t run into any more of those
demons lately. We’ve been on a main highway;
they should be all over the place.”
“Maybe they’re gone?” the passenger
“Lester, you idiot. They ain’t gonna just
come kill a bunch of us then leave,” the driver
“No, I mean what if they’s doin
something else?” Lester corrected.
“Sort of a ‘bigger fish to fry’?” Gretchen
“Another question,” the driver said,
changing direction of the conversation. “What
did you use to wound that demon in North
Spencer pulled the Glock from the back
cuff of his pants and showed the weapon to the
“Son, if you’re going to keep the demons
at bay then you’ll need more than that.” The
driver went to his truck, reached into the bed, and
pulled out an M16 assault rifle.
“We got these when we was in Miami.
SWAT didn’t need them anymore so we took
‘em.” The driver explained as he handed the
weapon to Spencer then retrieved an ammo can
and handed that to him as well before giving him
a quick weapons tutorial.
The driver looked at the sun.
“We should get going. It’s gonna be dark
in a few hours and I want to put as much road
behind us as possible before then.” The driver
headed back to his truck with Lester and they
climbed in.
Spencer and Gretchen got into their car
and the two vehicles continued speeding down I10, eventually crossing the Alabama border
shortly after nightfall, then turning off I-10 onto
country road 64. Settling down on the side of a
river, the driver of the truck finally had time to
introduce himself.
“Sorry I didn’t get to introduce myself.
I’m Louis and this here’s Lester. We come from
all over, but we was in Miami when Hell
attacked. When those demons come out of that
thing, we got us some food, water and guns and
got the hell out of dodge.”
“I’m Spencer and this is Gretchen. I met
her in North Carolina. I came from Jersey.”
“Ha!” Louis chuckled. “I never thought a
city boy would have survived something like this.
You’s damn lucky.”
“How long until we get to the safe area?”
Gretchen asked.
“Well, we gonna drive through Missippi,
Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico before we get
to Arizona. Hell is going to throw everything
they got at us. It ain’t going to be easy.”
“You know this is kinda ironic,” Lester
said, enunciating the last word slowly.
“Why’s that?” Spencer asked.
Lester pointed at the small river behind Spencer.
“That there’s the river Styx.”
“You’re kidding?” Spencer said with a
“No I ain’t,” Lester assured with a stern,
dead serious expression.
Spencer stepped away from the campfire.
“We’d better turn in. We’ll need to get going at
first light to stay ahead of the armies of Hell,”
Spencer advised.
“I reckon you’re right. Lester, you take
first watch.” Louis agreed and promptly plopped
down and shut his eyes.
“Sure thing.” Lester agreed before
returning to the truck to grab his rifle and taking
post in a camp chair that was setup in the bed of
the truck.
Spencer sank down cross-legged in front
of the fire and soon slid to the side and fell into
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