Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning.

Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning. Read Online Free PDF

Book: Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning. Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joel Heath
had a chance. Fortunately there was a
gas station that looked like it was still running
across the street from a grocery store several
blocks away. Spencer pulled up to the gas pump
and began pumping.
With a full tank they drove across the
street to get what could be found.
“You should probably wait out here,”
Spencer suggested. “I won’t be long.”
“What should I do if those things come
“I don’t plan to be gone that long,”
Spencer replied before getting out of the
modified GTO and heading to the front door. The
parking lot had a dozen vehicles and a flock of
shopping carts strewn across the lot close to the
store entrance. Spencer approached the door, but
before entering he took a couple deep breaths to
brace for the grizzly sight of dozens of panicked
patrons in their final moments. But upon
entering, all that was there were a couple
dismembered cashiers and lots of blood. With his
revulsion slightly tempered, he pushed past the
dead bodies, went further into the store, and
grabbed an empty shopping cart that was just past
the cash registers.
Outside, Gretchen sat quietly in the car.
She had been waiting for twenty minutes when a
faint but ferocious roar in the distance made her
blood run cold. “Oh no,” Gretchen cried and
terror wafted to the surface. “They’re coming
A thud shot past Gretchen’s ears and she
turned her head toward the windshield. A winged
creature shrieked at her through the windshield
and Gretchen returned the shriek as a terrified
scream. Then five loud, short sounds ripped
though the air. Gretchen whipped her head
around to see Spencer standing behind a
shopping cart, gun in hand. He had it pointed at
the winged creature, which with a terrible roar,
turned his fury on the one that wounded him.
The creature jumped down off the car
hood and, when standing erect was about three
feet tall and looked just like a spooky gargoyle
from the old European churches. Then it charged
at Spencer who fired his weapon six more times.
This caused the creature to flee, wounded but not
fatally. Spencer quickly loaded the new supplies
into the trunk and slapped a new magazine in the
Glock. Another hearty roar in the distance told
Spencer that it was time to go.
“Where are we going?” Gretchen asked as
Spencer climbed into the car.
“It sounds like they’re approaching from
the north; we might still make it to Miami,”
Spencer said as he plunged his key into the
ignition. The engine roared to life. Spencer
slammed his foot onto the gas pedal and the car
sped away. He quickly covered the short distance
to the I-95 onramp then took a heading south.
Gretchen looked back to make sure the
creature wasn’t following, “Do you think you
killed it?” Gretchen asked.
Spencer didn’t even look at Gretchen;
instead he stared out at the road. “I doubt it,”
Spencer replied before changing the subject. “We
can stay on I-95 most of the way.”
Six hours later Spencer and Gretchen crossed the
Florida border. It gave only a small sense of
relief—they really had no idea if Miami would be
any safer.
Spencer passed a sign indicating the exit
to Orlando when he noticed an object moving
towards them; a pickup truck. The occupants
noticed the old GTO because they were flashing
their headlights. They must have felt the need to
stop to share information; maybe it was a
warning. The truck angled over the median of the
highway and the cars pulled along side each
other. Spencer stopped and rolled down his
“Where ya headed?” the driver asked.
“Miami?” Spencer replied making the
question obvious in his tone.
Something was wrong; the driver turned away
and talked to his passenger before turning back to
“You don’t want to be headin’ that way.”
The driver warned. “Back that way’s demon
“Demon country?” Spencer asked.
“That’s what they look like, must be what
they is.”
“Where are you headed? We’ll go with
you,” Spencer offered.
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