Deliver Me from Temptation

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Book: Deliver Me from Temptation Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tes Hilaire
and saw the furrow in the man’s brow. Belatedly he realized it wasn’t the first time the Paladin had called his name, just the first time it penetrated his deep brain fog.
    “Wow, you’re really out of it.”
    He shook his head, rubbing at his eyes with the heels of his hands. “Just tired.”
    “It was a long night.” Alexander cocked his head to the side. “What took you so long to get back, anyway?”
    Logan glanced up to see Valin eyeing him also. Nope. No way was Logan going to admit he’d spent the last couple hours standing vigil over a sleeping Jessica. Simply staring at her as the moonlight drifted in through her blinds to catch the highlights in her hair. In the soft light, she looked so delicate. At the time, he told himself he hung around simply to ensure she was all right after his necessary meddling with her memories. But even after she slipped into true sleep he hadn’t been able to tear himself away.
    Because you want her. You could have her too. Just go back over there and use those dimples of yours and…
    Shit. It was that kind of thinking that was going to get him in trouble. He was the future head of the council and couldn’t afford the head-fuck that would come with getting involved with a human…especially a cop. And using her to scratch his itch would be just plain wrong. Neither Alexander nor Valin would understand that though. None of the Paladin would understand. So he stared into Alexander’s probing gaze and deadpanned, “Traffic.”

Chapter 4
    Logan’s head barely hit the pillow when his cell phone went skittering across the bedside table and plopped onto the floor. With a groan he leaned over the side of the bed and scooped up the phone, pressing “answer.”
    “It’s Karissa.”
    “Problem?” he asked and rubbed the heel of his hand into his eyes, trying to vanquish the residual sleepiness. There’d been no “Hey, how are you?” Which set all his alarms ringing. Roland might converse in short, to-the-point sentences, but in the couple months he’d known his half-sister, he’d learned that she was, in general, more chatty.
    “You could say that.”
    Logan rolled over, squinting at the digital readout on his bedside alarm/radio. Three—in the afternoon. “Isn’t it a bit early to be getting into trouble?”
    Just because Roland could now go out during the day didn’t mean he did so often. And Karissa, being bonded to Roland, tended to follow his schedule. Their need to be close, the mutual feeding of mood and energy through the mate-bond, was almost frightening in its intensity. Which was something Logan kept reminding himself when he woke alone in his bed.
    Two hundred and ninety-five years. Not quite eternity but, damn, it sometimes seemed like it.
    He ran his hands over his face, wiping away both sleep and morose thoughts. His sister wasn’t an alarmist. She wouldn’t be calling for something petty. “So what happened?”
    “There was a damn kitten on the ledge. All fluffy and cute and yowling up a storm.” She made a sound kind of like a growl. “Bleeding heart had to rescue it.”
    Thoughts of Roland’s current popularity with the media had Logan swearing. There had been an incident over the summer. A middle-aged banker preying on coeds and Roland, righteous fucker that he was, couldn’t just stand by and watch a woman get raped. And though any Paladin worth his weight—even an exiled one like Roland—wouldn’t have stood for that kind of shit, Roland seemed to attract bad luck. The rapist later turned up dead and the woman Roland saved gave Roland’s description down to a T. So much for gratitude. Now a sketch was showing up on the evening news.
    “In broad daylight?” he asked.
    Karissa’s silence was answer enough. Logan groaned, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. “I take it he stopped traffic and drew in the fire department.”
    “Nothing like that. But that nosey woman in Twelve D saw
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