Defaced: A Dark Romance Novel

Defaced: A Dark Romance Novel Read Online Free PDF

Book: Defaced: A Dark Romance Novel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marissa Farrar
Cigarette Hands grabbed her by the arms and pulled her from the back seat. She twisted her head inside the material bag, as though she might be able to find a small hole she could see through, but other than a small amount of light filtering from the bottom, there was nothing.
    He picked her up and hauled her over his shoulder.
    The bag slipped down a little as he carried her with a jerking stride, and she caught sight of a strip of asphalt beneath her. Within a minute, the asphalt changed to metal steps, and he took them, climbing up and into what she assumed to be the body of a plane. He moved down the inside of the plane and dumped her on the floor.
    “Is this the one?”
    Lily froze. A different male voice, one she’d not heard before.
    “Yeah,” said Cigarette Hands. “Don’t know what he wants with her, though. She isn’t much to look at.”
    A snort. “She doesn’t look too bad to me. Big tits and an ass to match. No idea what her face is like, but I like a woman who jiggles when she moves.”
    The feminist in Lily wanted to shout out to them to stop talking about her in such a way, but though their words might hurt her feelings, they didn’t hurt in the same way punches or kicks did, and she’d suffered enough of those over the past twenty-four hours. She didn’t want to risk causing any more.
    Cigarette Hands laughed. “Well I prefer mine a little on the skinnier side, but whatever floats your boat, man. Anyway, I’m glad to be rid of this one. I prefer knowing my business a bit better. That guy’s one shady customer.”
    “Don’t pretend like most of your customers aren’t shady.”
    “Yeah, but not like this one.”
    His words made her blood freeze in her veins. Was this who she was being delivered to? A man so bad, even the traffickers thought he was dangerous. Her whole body trembled with fear and she bit her lower lip to prevent the sobs exploding from her mouth, bit it so hard she tasted blood. She didn’t care. If this really was as bad as she figured, it wouldn’t be the last time she’d taste her own blood.
    Cigarette Hands spoke again. “Well, I’ve got other girls to move, so I’ll leave this one in your capable hands.”
    She heard a couple of doors slam shut, and then the plane’s engines roared to life around her. The small plane started to move, and bumped and jolted as it taxied down the runway. Vibrations ran through her body, only exacerbating her shaking.
    The engines grew so loud they drowned out all conscious thought. She wished she could cover her ears with her hands, but they were still bound, so all she could do was press one ear against her shoulder, and use the cloth bag over her head to stifle a little of the roar that way. The plane’s momentum increased, and suddenly she felt the change in movement as it lifted into the air. She wasn’t strapped in anywhere, so she slid across the floor toward the back of the plane. Her feet snagged with something metal—the casings of a seat perhaps—and halted her motion. Finally, the plane leveled off and reached a cruising altitude.
    How long would the flight be? She got the impression the plane was small, so it wouldn’t be able to get too far without refueling. She didn’t dare fall asleep in case she missed something important. Who else was on the plane with her? She knew there was at least one other man, and there must be a pilot. What about a co-pilot? Did planes of this size need such a thing? She had no idea. Aviation wasn’t something she’d paid attention to in the past.
    Lily lay on the floor. Male voices came from the front of the plane—so she knew there was more than one man—but they were muffled by the sound of the engine. They remained fairly low until one of them said something, and the other burst out with loud laughter, making her cringe. With her senses muted by the cloth bag over her head, she struggled to tell how much time passed. Her bladder grew painfully full, and she desperately needed to
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