Deep Surrendering: Episode Ten

Deep Surrendering: Episode Ten Read Online Free PDF

Book: Deep Surrendering: Episode Ten Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chelsea M. Cameron
Tags: new adult romance
like… hang out with him. Studying and so forth.” Talking about this was starting to stress me out again.
    “Can we not talk about this?” I asked, rubbing my forehead. I felt a headache coming on, which was weird because I wasn’t even close to having a hangover yet. I got up to fetch some aspirin and a glass of water.
    “I’m sorry, I just want you to meet a nice guy.” I did meet a nice guy. I met the nicest guy ever and things didn’t work out. Now every other nice guy would have to measure up to him. Sure, I was attracted to Chase, but it wasn’t that burning fire I felt the first time I met Fin. He didn’t make me feel like I was going to swoon over every time he looked at me. That dimple though…
    No, I didn’t need to think about this right now. I had more pressing matters, like school. And my mother.
    “Really, the last thing I need is another boy in my life,” I said as I sat back down on the couch. The movie was almost wrapping up to the happy conclusion. Why couldn’t life be like an 80s movie? Where was John Hughes when you needed him?
    “Amen. I don’t need any and I do just fine. Pussy trumps dick.” I made a face at her.
    “Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. I’m totally happy to let you have a shot.” She was totally joking. I was used to Chloe propositioning me.
    “I’m good,” I said and we went back to watching the movie.
    By the time it was over, I was really drowsy from the wine, but I wasn’t ready for bed yet.
    “Another?” I said.
    “Yup. You pick this time.” I didn’t feel like getting up, but I did. I needed to get some new movies. I’d been cycling through the same ones for ages.
    I picked a classic and went with Notting Hill .
    “Ew, Hugh Grant, really? He’s so gross,” Chloe said as the movie started with shots of Julia Roberts.
    “He’s British and floppy-haired.” I had a thing for messy hair, clearly. “Just stare at Julia if you don’t like him.”
    “She’s not my type,” Chloe whined. I picked up one of my accent pillows and threw it at her. She caught it and put it behind her back to prop herself up more.
    “Oh for the love of God. Find someone with tits to stare at then.” Chloe pouted, but didn’t say anything else. She was just giving me a hard time, as best friends are wont to do.
    Chloe and I both fell asleep on the couch, our bodies stretched out opposite one another. I woke up in the morning with one of her toes nearly up my nose and I was doing the same thing to her. I really needed to get a bigger couch if we were ever going to do this again.
    “Oh my God, I am never doing that again,” Chloe moaned and then rolled over.
    “What time is it?” she asked and I groped for my phone on the coffee table. It was nearly eight. Fortunately, we’d woken up with enough time to get ready. Chloe didn’t have to be into work until nine and I didn’t have class until ten.
    “Coffee please,” Chloe said as I stumbled to my feet and into the kitchen.
    “I’m working on it,” I snapped. I couldn’t be responsible for anything I said before I’d had my first cup. I hated talking to anyone before I’d at least brushed my teeth.
    “Can I shower here?” she asked. God, she was demanding in the morning.
    “Go ahead, but make it quick. I need one too.” She mumbled something and then shuffled off to the bathroom. She still had a lot of her stuff here from previous sleepovers, including a few work uniforms.
    I stared at the coffee, waiting for it to be ready. It wasn’t going fast enough.
    “Come on,” I moaned to the pot just as the steaming liquid started pouring into the pot. Thank God. As soon as it was done, I grabbed the French vanilla creamer and savored my first cup as Chloe began to sing in the shower. Whatever got you going, I suppose.

C hloe and I rode the T together since the stop for her job was right before my stop for school.
    “Have a good day at work, dear,” I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek that
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