Death List

Death List Read Online Free PDF

Book: Death List Read Online Free PDF
Author: Donald Goines
promise he would not be able to keep.
    "Hey, brother," Robert called out, "we know how it is, man. Just like you said, I ain't never seen Betty loaded before, I mean never. Not even close, man, so I know it's just the drinks in her talking." He spoke with conviction, because he really liked the tall black woman.
    "Technically speaking," Eddie-Bee began, loaded enough himself to start trying to talk proper, which he did whenever he reached a certain point in his drinking, "I'd say we've all had a few too many, but that's why we started drinking, wasn't it? Weren't we supposed to be celebrating something or other? So what the fuck. Let's let our hair hang loose. It's exhilarating to be loaded around friends." He stopped and took a large drink from the paper cup in front of him, then continued. "I'm ready to call the ladies up from downstairs myself. Let's party, dig? We're not here to merely exist, are we?" He glared around at his friends, then spoke to Betty directly. "I really sympathize with you, Betty. It's getting increasingly boring up here." He tried to turn his back but only succeeded in knocking his cup of whiskey onto the thick brown carpet.

    The other men laughed. But as Kenyatta took Betty into his arms, she started a crying jag. At first she cried softly, then the sobs came louder and louder. He glanced around at the other men nervously, then reached down and picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Once there, he covered her lips with hot kisses, holding her tight and slowly rubbing her back as if she was a nervous filly. She settled down slowly, and he could tell she was coming around and relaxing. Her lips grew softer under his, her tongue came out to meet his until there was nothing but a strong passion between them. After undressing her with care, he took her. They made slow and tender love. Her cries of fear turned into cries of passion.



    CAPTAIN DAVIDSON STARED over his hornrimmed glasses at the two officers in front of him. The stout, graying officer realized that it wasn't their fault that none of the officers in homicide had cracked the case yet. At least these two men had come closer to getting an arrest than any of the others. But he still had to crack the whip over their heads, just as he did with the rest of the men.
    "Goddamn it, Ryan, Benson, what the hell are you two guys doing back there in your office? Playing with yourselves?" He waited for a second, then continued in a bullish voice. "I can expect nothing from these young college-ass kids I'm stuck with in this department, but you two guys, shit!" The word came out in a roar. It could be heard out front, where all the junior officers worked.

    Ryan shifted nervously on his feet. He couldn't stand being yelled at. It caused his nerves to work overtime, like they were doing now.
    Benson only fought down the smile that threatened to come to his lips. He realized how nervous Ryan must be by the loud yelling of their boss. That was the reason Ryan couldn't stand the interviews. The yelling just upset him until he couldn't think straight.
    Davidson must have realized that he was overdoing it because he lowered his voice. "Now fellows," he began, trying another approach, "let's try and look at it from my side of the wagon, okay? The fuckin' commissioner is breathing down my neck, cops literally gettin' killed at will. And now this. Two men with their girlfriends murdered in cold blood in broad daylight, yet nobody saw anything. It's unbelievable. I mean it. We're not back in the roaring twenties. These things just don't go on in our day and age without getting solved, so what's the problem? I don't want to hear about won't nobody talk. I gave you guys a free hand, allowing you to work when you wanted to.
    He raised his hand to cut off an excuse from Ryan. "Yeah, I know. You boys were going to work on your own time. I appreciate the offer, but what did I do? I said no sirree, not on your own time. Just punch in, and I'd see to it that
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