Dearly Beloved
muscle before flinging it right over the balcony. That was just too much machismo. The table wasn’t light. And he was being ridiculous. They’d probably make a fortune off this video.
    It also eliminated any kind of barrier between them, and the next moment he was squatting at her side and looking at her with the darkest, sexiest eyes she’d ever seen. His position also made every thread of his trousers mold to every bit of muscled thighs and calves. And that t-shirt might as well give up the ghost. It didn’t do more than cling and define. She couldn’t help it. She sighed in full feminine appreciation.
    For some reason, it looked like two small spots of color tipped the tops of his cheeks. That was totally unnecessary and overly done. If she’d thought him gorgeous before, she’d just been trumped.
    “I will repeat this once more. I ask the questions.”
    She nodded, swallowed, and touched the bandage on her neck. For some reason, the sensation of heat radiated right through the gauze and into her fingers. He looked like he knew it.
    “How did you find me?”
    Courtney narrowed her eyes until he was blurred through her eyelashes. It helped. Not much, but it did help. She might even be able to get her voice to work again, especially if he was going to use broken-record psychology on her. That ploy was so see-through, it was impossible not to spot it. He was obviously being paid well to get this kind of action/reaction for Shawn’s little e-film. That table into the sea stunt was probably going to get him a raise. Fine. She’d go with her original plan then.
Sometimes they were just…idiots. She pulled in a deep breath.
    “All right. You got me. I’ll tell the truth. We got word you were here. That’s how I found you.”
    “From where?”
    She couldn’t keep a straight face long enough to get through this, but she was going to try. “Top source. Top.” She repeated it soundlessly for effect.
    Wow. He just looked good enough to kiss with his lips in that pout. She really needed to concentrate here. Courtney said the first name off the top of her head. “Kevin.”
    He frowned. On him, that was even stunning. “Who?”
    “It’s an acronym.”
    “A what?”
    “It stands for…Kelp EValuators…uh…INternational.” She choked back the laugh but it wasn’t easy.
    “I ask the questions!”
    “You are impossible! I can’t answer if you don’t tell me what you need the answer to.”
    “How did you find me?”
    That was definitely said right through gritted teeth. A nerve poked out one side of his jaw, too, delineating it for her. Courtney gulped.
    “It’s a secret.”
    “You will tell me, and you will speak of it now.”
    Courtney regarded him for a moment. “Fine. You’re onto me. I had a sending unit with me.”
    “There was no transmitter in your attire. I know. I went through it.”
    “You went…through it? My diving suit?”
    “And the other thing you wore.”
    “That is yet another question. I have warned you. I will not do so again.”
    “That other thing happened to be a four hundred dollar bathing suit! Four hundred, hard-earned dollars. You better not have damaged it.”
    “It has been shredded.”
    Courtney screeched. She kept her lips sealed so it wouldn’t be ear-drum splitting, but it was still loud and angry, and it made her neck wound go to a solid throb. Nothing changed on Mister Perfect, though. Not one iota of his expression. And that was just too much on an already wretched scene.
    “I hope you’re being paid a lot, Mister Dominick Miklos St. Whatever. And I mean a lot. Because I’m taking every penny. You hear me? And not just from you. I’m taking yours, too, Mister Elliot!” She’d looked over his shoulder to shout that part to the entire room before looking back at her host’s enigmatic expression. “I am not amused. Not anymore. I mean, I wasn’t amused before, but now I’m
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