now!’ can be devastatingly hot, even though you haven’t used a single ‘dirty’ word.” Still, there’s no substitute for a good “Fuck me!” once in a while (we always add “please”). When you’re so turned on you need that pussy, that ass, that mouth or those tits more than your lungs need air, you don’t want to fuss with Shakespeare.
Give me a moan
Why do I get so turned on by listening to my wife as she becomes aroused and then climaxes? My moans and groans don’t seem to have the same effect on her.—R.G., Atlanta, Georgia
She’s reining you in. Evolutionary biologists suggest a woman’s moans are designed to help her control your arousal, increasing her chances of capturing your sperm while minimizing the time she is vulnerable (i.e., that you’re on top of her). What little research there is on vocalized sounds made during sex has found that men rate them as more arousing than women do and that women tend to make more of them. The topic screams for more study. For example, does a woman make less noise after her partner has ejaculated? Do the sounds of climax correspond with genital contractions? Scientists have found that people open their mouth more often during sex than during masturbation, which may be a response to the hyperventilation that occurs as they get aroused. Is moaning designed to increase this hyperventilation and improve the high? Perhaps the woman’s moans dictate the rhythm of the man’s thrusts. Are moans during clitoral stimulation different from those produced by touching the G-spot? Do women make different noises during masturbation? Do they moan less after menopause, when they can no longer become pregnant? Scientists can’t rely on anecdotal evidence to answer these questions, but we sure as hell can.
The need for speed, and oil changes.
The best car for a ride
Which is the best car for sex?—D.B., Cleveland, Ohio
Short of a limo, a van or a vintage Nash Airflyte (in which the interior seats can be folded down into a bed), having sex in an automobile isn’t the most comfortable experience. And yet almost everyone you ask has fond memories. That’s because car sex is risky and typically rushed, which makes it exciting. It also forces you to be creative. The British sex columnist Grub Smith once made the keen observation that “the sexier a car appears, the harder it will be to actually have sex in it.” He also made note of an exercise known in the U.K. as the hot bonnet, in which the woman leans back or forward over the warm, vibrating hood. Parking brakes on, everyone.
Wife says I have to ask to use ’vette
For her 40th birthday, I bought my wife a 1982 Corvette. We are Corvette nuts—for more than 20 years I’ve been buying, restoring, selling and maintaining them. I own a 1972 convertible that is my treasure. It’s a little tricky to drive, so she had always asked me before she took it. Now the tables have turned. She says I must ask to take her car—the one I bought, maintain, fix, clean, polish and wax. She checks the mileage and last night threw a fit because I had used her car to go to lunch. I sold my Camaro Z-28, my motorcycle and my kid’s four-wheeler to get this car for her. I consider myself the leader of the household and I’m not inclined to ask her to drive the car. I recognize that it’s hers—her name is on the title—but who’s out of line here? I think she’s being ungrateful. Frankly, I’m sorry I bought her the car. I am not so sure I don’t want her to pack her shit in it and take off.—J.C., Memphis, Tennessee
Didn’t we see you on Jerry Springer ? You have a lot of control in the relationship, and your wife sees the car as a way to claim some for herself. So, leader of the household, share the power. Tell your wife you’ll ask. Accept her decisions graciously (once she sees you respect her wishes, she may not turn you down often). In the meantime, put aside the idea that you