Deadly Wands
the English. Not to mention the
sharp contrast between the generous newlyweds and the thieving
family of Prince John.
    What worried William was the ten kilo bounty
on their heads. How ironic that he feared his family's enemies
would endanger her, when actually it was her family that endangered
him. So much so that they moved to the Mongol capital. William had
to bribe the local official to forward the baby's birth date by two
years to throw off Prince John, who saw their son as a rival for
the throne.
    Although not the touchy-feely type, the
emotional turmoil of the moment prompted William to hug his fake
cousin, then suddenly burst outside into the falling snow for some
fresh air. Ever paranoid, William sensed movement on his far left.
He turned to see a man peering through bushes at him.
    "It's him!" the guy said in terrible
Mongolian. William recognized him from his fight with the
longshoremen in England the year before.
    William pressed his inner arms against his
overcoat. Even before those wands sprung into his hands, his boot
wands propelled him up, out of the kill zone, even as the first
volley smashed the oak door into a thousand splinters.
    William flew over the house to get out of
their line of sight, then circled to attack them from behind. He
killed one with his back to him, then blasted another who
apparently didn’t recognize him. William watched his head explode
like a watermelon with great satisfaction. At least two others
returned fire behind trees. A fireball engulfed one tree and the
man behind it, igniting his clothes. It didn't kill him
immediately, but the three-degree burns took him out of the fight.
William and the fourth man traded blasts, but William -- in the air
-- could dodge easier than the ambusher on the ground.
    Two bounty hunters from the bushes flew over
the house at him. William evaded the blade of one and parried the
other. Too close for blasting, William used his superior length to
stab one in the chest and slice the other below the knee. Without a
foot wand, he fell on the roof, where William chopped his head off.
William grabbed his wands to retain their power, then did the same
to the other ambushers, finally dispatching the guy still on
    In the eerie silence he heard the scared
longshoreman cry like a baby as he ran through the woods.
    Something made William pause before he
realized that he just heard the birth cry of his newborn son. A
son! Swelling with pride, William sped after his last enemy,
expertly weaving his way through the trees before slicing his leg
muscles. With the Englishman’s face in the snow, William landed on
his back and chopped off both hands so his enemy could not use his
wands. He turned over the terrified tradesman.
    "How did you find me?" William wanted to
know. Not hearing an immediate answer, his wand shot electricity to
his groin, making him wail like a newborn.
    "You’ll pay for killing my brother," the man
promised. "Prince John spent the last year spreading your wanted
poster around the world. Every bounty hunter on Earth is looking
for you."
    "But why are you here with them?"
    "To identify you. You grew a beard and
changed your hair, so they wanted to make sure before they killed a
baby. And they had plenty of time since they thought it safest to
attack during the birth."
    This appalled William the father, but seemed
like a sound tactic to William the warrior. "How many more are
    The dying man laughed weakly. "And dilute
their shares? They only promised me one full coin, the cheap
bastards. Not bad for a month of flying, but nothing compared to
ten kilos."
    As he faded out from loss of blood, William
transferred ownership of his wands by holding them as he died, then
took his leather money sack.
    Back at the house, his fake family had fanned
out, wands in hand.
    "The bastards assumed I was rich," he
explained to his fake cousin, who looked at him with both terror
and awe. It’s not every day someone you think you know kills
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