get me if you’ve been trying. I’ll get a new one tomorrow and text you the number… I’m staying at the Governor’s Residence by the way… There’s a dinner party tonight to introduce me to some expats. I don’t know what time it’ll finish. It may be too late for me to phone again after that. If so, I’ll catch you in the morning… Sleep tight…”
She put the receiver back, feeling a bit more cheerful. Simon would be fine once he’d got used to the idea of her working down here. It had been a surprise, that’s all. Anyway, it was only for a couple of months, and that would fly by.
By the time she got out into the courtyard, Maggie had already swept up and gone. But David was there, lining up glasses along the bar.
“What did London say?” she asked.
“They didn’t like the idea of me leaving you on your own, but they agreed I could go.”
“I should think so too.”
He nodded and started cleaning the glasses with a tea towel to remove any smears. “I’m booked on the first flight out in the morning.”
She watched him. “Do I need to write barman into my job description too?”
He smiled for the first time. “The Governor’s driver usually does all this. He’s driver, aide-de-camp, butler, barman, you name it. But he’s so upset about the Governor’s accident, he can’t work.”
She frowned. “I didn’t think he was in the car.”
“He wasn’t. That’s why he’s so troubled. Poor man. He feels if he’d been driving, the accident would never have happened.” He paused. “God knows what the Governor was doing up on the Ridge before dawn.”
“What exactly is the Ridge?” she asked.
“The highest point on the island,” David explained. “There’s an old lighthouse up there and the remains of a former US naval base. Developers have been building more houses up on the high ground in recent years, where it’s safer.” He glanced over. “These islands sit smack bang in the hurricane belt. They’re so flat, they’re vulnerable to tidal waves that can follow these storms.” He paused. “You should read the disaster management file as a priority in the morning, Jess. Familiarise yourself with the hurricane procedures. We’ve just come into the season.”
“Hurricanes? Oh great! ”
David smiled again. “Don’t worry. It’s been years since there’s been a direct hit. Now, Ma’am.” He wrapped the tea towel over his arm. “What can I get you?”
Jess laughed “Gin and tonic please.” She pulled up a rattan bar stool. “And while we’ve got a few minutes, can you fill me in on who’s coming this evening?”
David measured out some gin and poured it into a glass. “The most senior guest is Dominic Canning, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and his wife Rebekah. Her name is spelt with the biblical kah at the end, as she will remind you if you ever get it wrong.” He bent down to get a can of tonic from the fridge under the bar. “The position of Chief Justice has always been held by a Brit. Dominic’s a retired British barrister.”
“I guess it’s important to keep an impartial judiciary.”
“Exactly!” He paused. “Rebekah’s his third wife.” He gave Jess a knowing look. “High maintenance. Fond of the grog too.”
She nodded. “So, where’s the Governor’s wife?”
“Oh, Jayne took their young son Sam back to the UK for a week to pick up their daughter from boarding school. They were all supposed to be coming back together to spend the summer holidays here with the Governor.” He sighed. “She’s left the kids with their grandparents in the UK, and is on her way to the Governor’s bedside in Miami.”
A familiar sadness settled on Jess. “How awful for them.”
“Yeah.” David pushed her drink towards her. “Apart from the Governor’s PA Sally, the other three guests are all American. There aren’t many Brits on this island.”
“So I’ve noticed. This could be another State of America for all the UK