Dead Series (Book 2): A Little More Dead: Gunfire & Sunshine

Dead Series (Book 2): A Little More Dead: Gunfire & Sunshine Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dead Series (Book 2): A Little More Dead: Gunfire & Sunshine Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sean Thomas Fisher
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
his mind, too terrified to even entertain that option but, the way
this day was going, nothing would surprise him.
    “What do we do?”
    “Just stay calm and
do not panic. We’re going to be fine.” Paul glanced back to the husband and
wife who stood watching.
    It was almost like
they knew what was happening. Like they knew it was only a matter of time before Paul and Wendy had to swim to shore and
when they did…those two things would
be on them in a heartbeat.
    He spit water out.
Shark or not, they couldn’t stay here for long. If the shark didn’t get them,
they’d soon drown. His legs were screaming for a break and he couldn’t support
the two of them much longer. They had to get to shore and take their chances
with big and bigger. Maybe he could trip the big guy up just long enough to
dive for the Beretta. Maybe he could… The thought died when a black F-150 burst
onto the scene, tearing across the sand and making Paul’s heart do a somersault
inside his chest.
    The tall truck
bounced over fallen bodies on the beach like they were telephone poles before plowing
into Mike and Molly, sending them hurtling into the water with a massive splash.
    “Let’s go!” Paul
towed Wendy to shore as the shark fin slid beneath the water and disappeared
from sight.
    He swam hard, feeling
the sharp teeth tear into his flesh before it even happened. Not being able to
see through the water was the worst part. The beast could be anywhere, ready to
strike his legs or hands or the cramp in his side. His toes hit the bottom
again and relief shot through his veins. Hurriedly, he helped Wendy stagger toward
the shoreline, knowing that most shark attacks occur in less than five feet of
water. His eyes circled their bodies, searching for something big and dark. A
wave rolled past their legs before sucking back out to see, making it feel like
they were going backwards and driving Paul insane. An agonizing moment later,
they were finally free of the goddamn ocean.
    Stopping in the
sand, they chased their breath and watched the dead man and woman flail in the
deeper water. The shark fin popped up and did a lazy circle around them before
sliding beneath the surface and vanishing again. Paul and Wendy looked at each
other and turned back just in time to see the woman violently jerk under. The
man looked like he was trying to help her. Blood sprayed into the air like a
fountain and the big guy was next to go. He fought back but not for long and in
less than a minute the only thing left were bloody chunks of flesh that drew
the white flying rats around them.
    “Holy shit,” Paul
gasped, collapsing onto the hot sand.
    Curtis hopped down
from the truck, wiry arms spilling from a Jack Daniels cut-off that didn’t look
new. Hanging his thumbs from his jeans, he stared at the red mess just offshore.
“Well, I guess now we know who wins in zombie vs. shark.”
    Wendy snatched her
gun from the towel, pulled it from the holster and shot into the water until
the magazine clicked dry. “I never thought I’d miss being a stripper!” she barked,
stomping to the pickup, climbing inside and slamming the door shut.
    Curtis turned to
Paul with a creased brow. “She was a stripper?”
    Paul fell back onto
the sand and stared at the blue sky above, too tired to speak. Every muscle in
his body hurt, his heart at the front of the pack. He’d almost died three times
today and was afraid of taking another step in this world. They would’ve been
better off staying in Iowa and freezing their asses off for the rest of winter.
He cost his wife and best friend their lives and for what? This? Blowing a long
breath out, he threw an arm over his eyes to block out the sun, withdrawing
into the darkness coiling behind his eyelids. In the end, it didn’t matter where
they went or where they didn’t and he was a fool to think otherwise. Everywhere
was poisoned. This was as good as it gets and at least they had hot
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