Dead Living

Dead Living Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dead Living Read Online Free PDF
Author: Glenn Bullion
Tags: Romance, Horror, Survival, zombies apocalypse
creature eating someone's foot.
Joe ran forward and smashed him in the head with the
    The noise attracted the attention of the
single creature ahead of them. The three others still tailed them
as well.
    “They're gonna pin us in,” Denise said.
    Joe wasn't worried too much about the
creature ahead. He could simply knock him over and run. But Denise
was right, they needed to hurry.
    They approached a large room to their left
with a huge viewing glass, and a mini lobby across from it. The
single creature was twenty yards away. Joe took a quick look.
    It was the hospital nursery.
    It wasn't a nursery any longer.
    Rows and rows of tiny beds were knocked over.
He couldn't see what the creatures were doing, but they were on
their hands and knees, reaching into the beds. Not a single baby
made a sound.
    Joe lost it. He leaned over and vomited. The
creature approaching them was getting dangerously close. It
actually seemed to get faster as it drew near.
    “Joe, we gotta move. Come on.”
    He snapped. As he wiped
his mouth, he could only think one thing. Is my baby in there?
    He ran forward and swung the extinguisher as
hard as he could. The creature fell to the ground, a huge dent
where its forehead used to be. But Joe didn't stop. He hit the
thing eight more times, until its brain leaked out of its crushed
    Denise was crying. Joe was hunched over,
vomiting again. Thick, almost coagulated blood was smeared on his
chest from destroying the thing. She ran up to him and grabbed him
by the shoulders.
    “You have to get it together!” she almost
screamed at him. “We have to keep-”
    She cut herself off when she saw movement to
her right. She looked into the room next to them, and recognized
Doctor Blair.
    Joe's murder of the creature attracted the
attention of five more of them, all coming out of different rooms.
They were moving much faster than the others. Joe and Denise were
trapped now.
    “Come on!”
    She dragged Joe into the nearby room and
locked the door behind them.
    Doctor Blair was standing near the window,
just swaying back and forth, with his back toward them. Blood
covered the bed and walls. There was movement on the floor. The
angle they had from the hallway didn't let Denise see it, but
someone else was in the room.
    Joe thought maybe he had died and gone to
Hell. He thought back to his chaotic day. The warehouse, then the
hospital. He didn't remember dying along the way. But that was the
only way to explain what he was seeing.
    His beloved wife Sarah crawled out from next
to the bed. The gown she had on was twisted and covered in blood,
and showed most of her front. Her stomach was split open.
Intestines drug along the floor as she let out a moan that
threatened to send Joe over the edge.
    He couldn't move or think. All he could do
was look into the hollow face of his once beautiful wife. He didn't
hear the crowd of walking dead gather outside the locked maternity
ward room. He didn't hear Denise next to him urging him to do
something. He wanted to crawl to the corner and die, but his legs
refused to carry him anywhere.
    He thought of the last time he saw her. It
was at the front door, where they hugged and kissed goodbye before
he left for work. He had no idea it was the last hug and kiss they
would ever share.
    Denise plunged the scalpel she found on the
table next to them deep into the skull of Sarah Thompson before she
could crawl any closer. She fell lifeless to the floor, the womb
where their baby once grew exposed.
    Doctor Blair shuffled forward. He had more
bite wounds than when Denise saw him earlier. His neck was ripped
open, exposing tissue and muscle. Joe didn't even realize Denise
had taken the extinguisher from him. She beat Blair in the head
till he fell, then beat him some more.
    Denise looked at Joe. She knew he was out of
it, just leaning against the locked door. He seemed oblivious to
the pounding coming from the other side. She gently grabbed him by
the shoulders and leaned
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