‘Right,’ Murphy replied, pleased the pathologist was getting straight to the point. ‘Anything interesting?’
‘I think it’s best you see it for yourself.’
To Whom It May Concern,
I don’t know you yet, but I will. The same applies both ways I suppose. You’ll be trying to find out my name. My reasons. Everything will become clearer over time. Just know, I do it all for a good cause. We need to be clear about that.
The young girl you have found isn’t the first experiment I’ve carried out.
She won’t be the last.
When the American government was experimenting on an unsuspecting public, we didn’t accuse them in the same manner you will be accusing me. They were the beginning of the end I feel. The last of my kind, willing to go to any lengths in order to study mankind.
What you have with this girl is a modern interpretation of one such experiment.
Part of the MK Ultra programme, Operation Midnight Climax was the first scientific exploration into the effects of LSD on unwitting humans. For example, men, on the pretext they were enjoying a private visit with a prostitute, were given LSD without their knowledge and studied. They experimented on their own men, federal marshals, employees within the CIA …
It went much further than that.
The results are astounding. What this girl was willing to do when dosed with the drug was way beyond my expectations. She became a different person.
Giving her more and more of the drug compounded her state of mind. An endless trip.
She wanted to die. She begged for an end. Not because she was in pain, or through fear. She believed she could see the afterlife.
I’m not one for silly fairytales, so it was probably the drugs talking. Possibly. That’s part of the experimentation. To find answers to these questions.
Her last dose ended fatally, unfortunately for her.
Throughout history, man has attempted to understand the complexities of life. Why are we here? What is our purpose? I am attempting to prove my answer to those questions.
We are here only to die.
Think of every funeral you’ve ever been to. The grief people exude from themselves. It becomes one with the atmosphere, an almost physical feeling in the air. Death is natural, yet people somehow make it unnatural. They say things such as ‘it wasn’t his time’ or ‘taken too soon’ as if that bears any relation to the fact that whether it be one year or a hundred, the result is still the same.
Death is inevitable, yet people are always surprised when it happens.
What do we experience at the moment of death? How can we ever know that feeling? Without research, without experimentation, we are no nearer an answer to these questions.
So enjoy it.
This is just the beginning of my work. To discover more about life … through death.
‘Great. We need to find him fast.’ Murphy said as he’d finished reading the letter.
‘He?’ Houghton replied.
‘Just a guess. Could be her I suppose. This is my copy, yes?’
Houghton nodded, waved his hand away. ‘Yeah, original has gone to forensics. What is it then?’
‘You didn’t read it?’ Murphy said. ‘Thought you’d have had your nose right into this by now. Well, apart from some screwed-up talk about death, there’s something about the effects of LSD on humans, and some shite about something called MK Ultra and Operation Midnight Climax. Sounds like I’ve stumbled across a screenplay of the new James Bond film.’
‘I’ve heard of Operation Midnight Climax,’ Houghton replied. ‘It was a CIA thing. Linked with the whole MK Ultra deal. You must have heard about it.’
Murphy stared at Houghton, who looked as though he was trying to keep his round face straight. A trace of a smile threatened to break out, the lines on his face creasing further.
‘No I haven’t smartarse, what is it?’ Murphy said.
‘Touchy, aren’t you? You could just bow to my superior knowledge you know.’
‘Consider me bowed. Now