Dead Air (Book One of The Dead Series)

Dead Air (Book One of The Dead Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dead Air (Book One of The Dead Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jon Schafer
imagine the stories her aunt would have. The woman traveled the world working as a restaurant critic and could brag that she had been to every major capitol in the world. Suzy decided that it would fulfill a lifetime dream of her own to be able to wander around without a care in the world, eating strange foods and seeing new sights.
    As the virus coursed undetected through her body, Suzy didn't realize that she was closer to her wish than she thought.
    Darryl Turp had bitten Nurse Karen Washowitz on the arm as she tried to pull Doctor Rahjib away from the madman, taking a small chunk of flesh from her wrist , which he then ingested. After fleeing the room, Karen had gone downstairs to the E.R. to have her wound treated and receive a tetanus booster and antibiotics. She had been bitten by a patient once before and knew her chances of infection were high. After all, the human mouth was a breeding ground for germs and bacteria.
    The Chief of Hospital Administration, Ned Thornton, had been summoned, and being worried about liability, actually arrived at the hospital before most of the police officers responding to the call. Wanting to limit the hospital’s exposure to a potential lawsuit, he sat with Karen while she gave her statement to the police. When she was done, and Ned was satisfied that the hospital could not be held liable for the incident, he patted Karen on her good arm and told her to go home and get some rest. This sounded good to her as she was pulling a double shift and had been working since early that morning. Showing concern for Karen, and hedging his bets against any possible litigation, Ned didn't want to let her drive herself so he called a cab for her and paid the driver in advance, assuring the nurse that an orderly would drop her car off later at her residence.
    When Karen a rrived at her house, she noticed that it was already three in the morning. Time flies when you're having fun, she thought sarcastically. Letting herself in the door quietly so as not to disturb her husband or four children, she looked up the stairs that led to the master bedroom before deciding that they would be too much to try to surmount. She settled onto the couch in the living room, then pulled the afghan off its backrest on top of her and was instantly asleep.
    Through bad diet and too many double shifts at the hospital, Karen's immune system was worn down and weak , so she didn't last long. At the same time that Steve Wendell was telling Mary to put on ‘In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida’, the long version, Karen Washowitz died. By the time Steve flipped Mary the bird and left the studio, Karen had been reanimated into a walking corpse and was staggering up the stairs to see her husband and children. She wanted to let them know in her own special way that it was time to get up so she could eat.
    Three of them survived the bloody attack to spread the virus and propagate the new species.
    The Little Rock police questioned the two security guards for hours. When they were satisfied with the story the two men told, Ned Thornton took over. First, he separated the men and spoke to them one at a time, going over their statements at length and looking for any discrepancies. Once finished with the security personnel, Ned privately reviewed all the other witness statements from medical staff and patients. It was very early in the morning when he finished, but he was satisfied with the results. He concluded that everyone had behaved in a most professional manner and that the actions of the two security guards were justified. In fact, Ned had even decided to make the rent-a-cops the heroes of the regrettable incident when he made his statement to the press.
    Calling the two men back into his office to let them know his findings, and to inform them to hold off talking to the press until after he did, Ned waited until they had seated themselves before speaking. He had just gotten to the part in his prepared speech about making them famous as
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