Darkness of Light
made my heart leap up into my throat. The last few days had left me even more jumpy than normal. From the stony look on his face, I knew this day would not be improving. 
    “Let’s go home,” he said, and he started walking before I even got up from the chair. 
    It was dark by the time I stepped out to the parking lot, only a few dimly-lit streetlamps guided me to the car. Mark was already in the truck, with the engine on, waiting for me. I picked up my pace, knowing the trouble that lay ahead of me. 
    Half way across the lot, my skin prickled again, and an eerie feeling of being watched whispered at the back of my neck. I scanned the parking lot and stopped dead in my tracks. A gasp caught in my throat. 
    Across the poorly lit lot, leaning against a motorcycle, a pair of electric-green eyes looked back into mine. Even though he was hidden by the shadows, I knew it was the guy from the waiting room. The way his eyes glowed reminded me of my own. I had never seen anyone else with eyes like mine who wasn’t somebody I had dreamed up or hallucinated. To see another breathing person whose eyes illuminated like that was a bit startling. 
    I quickly turned away, running for the truck, feeling his eyes burn into me. Shivers ran through my body. I didn’t know why he was in the police station cuffed to a chair. It could’ve been for something minor, but for some reason fear filled me knowing he knew my face. 

    Mark and I were silent on the way home. I sat back, letting some of the tension in my shoulders leave, glad to be out of there. The night was exceptionally dark. Only a sliver of light from the waning crescent moon broke the darkness along Delphi Road. The country road didn’t have street lamps and the truck’s headlights did little to keep the shadows at bay. Mark slowed down at the approaching stop sign. A strange feeling came over me. The hair on my arms began to stand on end. Chills skirted down the back of my neck as I checked out the dark, murky forest around the truck. 
    Loud, piercing roars came from behind us. My heart jumped into my throat. About half a dozen motorcycles surrounded the truck. The unlit street kept me from seeing the detail of the bikes or the riders, but I knew from the deep rumble of the engines vibrating around the truck that they were classic Harleys. This was a long, dark road. It would be difficult for a group of motorcyclists to be behind us without us seeing their headlights or hearing them before they were on us. So why hadn’t we seen or heard them approach? This question was forgotten as one of the riders pulled up on the passenger’s side and turned his head to me. I sucked in a gulp of air. Electric green eyes locked onto mine. 
    Something deep in my gut stirred as we held each other’s gaze. Finally, he turned away. The black, gleaming motorcycles shot off, leaving me with cold chills blanketing my flesh. I couldn’t explain what I felt, but fear didn’t seem to cover it. 
    “Jeez, that startled me. They came out of nowhere,” Mark mumbled. All I could do was nod.
    Ten minutes later, Mark pulled the truck into the driveway, turning off the ignition. He sighed heavily, and sat back.
    Uh-oh . . . here it comes.
    “Sheriff Weiss is convinced you had something to do with the electrical explosion.”
    “I kind of got that.” I looked down, playing with the zipper on my coat. “What do you believe?”
    He sighed again and rubbed his face. “I want to believe you, Em. But I’d have to be blind and a fool to continue to ignore what is really going on.” He sat quietly for a moment before he spoke again, his voice softer. “I’m really trying here. I really am. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I wish your mother was here. Then again, if she was I don’t think we’d be in this situation.” His voice broke, but he quickly cleared his throat, covering the escaped emotion. “I can’t imagine you having anything to do with something like this, but we
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