Darkness Follows

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Book: Darkness Follows Read Online Free PDF
Author: J.L. Drake
way I want.”
    “Screw you.”
    His eyes lit up. “Screw me? You know what happens to the women who get snippy with me?”
    “Hmm…” My tongue ran along the outside of my teeth as I tried let go of the anger. “Let’s see. I’m in a basement, tied to a chair, completely at your mercy. I think you can do just about anything.”
    Lasko took a seat in front of me. He crossed his legs and folded his fingers together on his lap. He looked entertained. “Do I scare you, Emily?”
    Oh no! What was the right answer here? I slowly turned my head to meet his gaze, and went with instinct. “Yes, but I feel more sad than anything.”
    “Sad?” He sounded puzzled.
    “Yes, sad. Hank Wallace, you remember him.” I paused as his face twitched ever so slightly. “Well, he said this all stems from your childhood.”
    His nostrils flared and his neck muscles contracted. Okay. My bullshit lie might lead me to something. Thank you, crime shows that scared me enough to watch you. “He actually said quite a bit before he bargained with me.”
    “Correct, he told me he’d answer a question of mine if I let him touch my skin.”
    Lasko shifted in his chair and tugged at the hem on his shirt. “And?”
    “And I let him. Five seconds up my arm. I can still hear his moan.” Oh gross, the memory of Wallace’s touch just about made me shake, but I could tell it bothered Lasko far more than it bothered me. So, I continued. “His hands felt warm and—”
    “Enough!” he shrieked as he jumped to his feet. “Shut the fuck up!” He put his hands over his ears and started to pace the room in front of me.
    Tread carefully, Emily. My nails drove into my skin, and my knuckles turned pale. “But Wallace said you gave him permission to.”
    “You’re lying!” he hissed, inches from my face. “Stop talking!” He hit his head rather roughly with the palm of his hand.
    Oh shit, I went too far.
    He whipped around toward the table and grabbed at the bag and dumped it upside down. Scalpels, hunting knives, a small drill, screwdrivers, needles, and pill bottles all fanned out and rolled off the table and hit the floor. He grabbed a prescription pill bottle, shook out four round pills, and slammed the handle of the drill and crushed them. He repeated this until it was powder. He scraped it into the orange juice and stirred it viciously with the straw.
    “Drink,” he ordered and shoved the straw through my locked lips. “Now!” His dirty fingers pried my mouth open, and he poured the orange juice in my mouth.
    I wrenched my head back and forth as the liquid rushed down my throat. I coughed hard as I choked and gasped for air. I managed to force some of the juice to come back up. I bit down on his nasty fingers and made him scream.
    “Stupid bitch!” He raised his hand to see the blood. His free hand slapped me across my face. He reached for the rag and tied it tightly around my head. He examined his flesh wound again and muttered, before he headed back to the table. He returned with the drill. “No one was to touch you. You’re mine!”
    My eyes focused and the realization hit me that these could be my last few moments alive. I had so many things I wanted to do before I died. I wanted to start with Seth and tell him how much I loved him, and next…
    “You like it rough, darlin’?” His eyes flickered. “I’ll show you rough.” His finger went for the button on the drill, when suddenly the pit bull jumped to its feet and started to bark wildly. It startled us both. Lasko looked up, and I followed suit. I saw a shadow pass through the beam of light.
    Oh God, who’s here?
    A look of panic traveled across Lasko’s face. Slowly he stepped back and placed the drill on the table. Then he pulled a pistol out from behind his shirt. “ Geh! ” He shouted at the dog, and took off up the stairs with the dog close behind.
    “Ohhhh, wow, wow, wow,” I slurred as the walls started to weave back and forth. My eyelids
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