Dark Moon

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China. But he thinks on a scale most people can’t imagine, and he’s got a beef with Karen Hopewell’s father. Looks like they were both going after a big block of shares in the same hotel chain. Hopewell made an end run around Del Conte and picked up the stock for less than it was worth.”
    “Any idea how?” Emma asked.
    Frank sighed. “Hopewell and I go way back. But I know he’s not above using methods the SEC might not approve of. That was five years ago, and Del Conte has been mad about it ever since.”
    “So shanghaiing the daughter and asking for money would be a way to get back at Hopewell,” Cole mused.
    “That’s a good bet.”
    “Why would he wait so long?”
    “Maybe he wanted Hopewell to think he was in the clear before striking.”
    “But how do we know he’s got her?” Emma pressed.
    “We don’t—not for absolute sure. But it’s a ninety-seven percent probability,” Stinger put in.
    “Based on what?” Emma asked.
    “A lot of factors,” Teddy answered. “Del Conte’s proclivity for holding a grudge until he figures out a creative way to get even. Like he once let a business rival buy a resort in the Swiss Alps, then burned the place down the day after the guy took possession.”
    “There’s proof of that?”
    “Not something you could take to court, although the signs all point to Del Conte. But back to the current situation. Yesterday, a helicopter flight landed on the Windward , and there’s no record of the cargo or passengers. Plus heightened security. Something special is going on over there.”
    “Is that enough to bet Karen Hopewell’s life on?”
    “Not by itself. But we also picked up an e-mail message from one of the guards on board to his pregnant wife back in Miami. After that we went back and scanned his other communications with her. He needed a job, so he signed up for ship security. Apparently he didn’t know what he was getting into. He hates the place and wants to get another job, but he’s trapped because they need the money with the baby coming. In the current e-mail he’s explaining why he can’t come home this weekend, like he said he would. All leave was canceled because they have a special guest, and the whole place is on alert.”
    “That sounds like it could be Karen,” Cole mused.
    “We have a schematic of the ship. There’s a section of the passenger area that’s off-limits to everyone except the crew and trusted guests. That might be where they’re holding her. I’m hoping you can get in there and find out. Then spring her.”
    Emma shifted in her seat. “But we’re building this case on supposition. What if we’re wrong? Did you learn anything from your interview with Hopewell?”
    “Only that he’s worried sick, and he blames himself for putting his daughter at risk.”
    “Does he think it could be Del Conte?”
    “He thinks it’s a possibility.”
    “But there aren’t any hard facts,” Cole muttered.
    “We’re going to hedge our bets,” their boss said, reaching for his eagle coin again and starting to flip it in his hand. “You and Emma are going on board as paying guests. We’ll have a team tailing the Windward in case you find Karen. And if she’s not on the ship, we’ll keep searching for clues in Baltimore and on the Web. Maybe we can locate that goon who went after you in Baltimore and make him talk.”
    “Probably he’s one of the guys who pushed her into that car,” Cole said. He watched Emma swallow.
    “What do guests do on the Windward ?” she asked.
    “Nothing but fun. For them.”
    “Oh right.”
    “Which is?”
    “Sexual fantasy scenarios. S and M relationships. If you can think of it, he can arrange it. He’s got a whole group of employees who play the role of slaves. Or masters if that’s what the guest wants.”
    She grimaced, and Cole thought she was probably imagining the girl she’d known forced into that role. Too bad knowing Karen made the assignment more personal.
    “We’re wasting
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