Dark Lightning

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Book: Dark Lightning Read Online Free PDF
Author: Janet Woods
Tags: fantasy romance
‘Learning was never part of our way of life.’ A spiteful glance came Azarine’s way. ‘Only the Karshal dabble in the need to know. Look where it got them? In eighteen seasons, despite their intrigue, they have become the slaves of the Arles.’
    Biting her tongue, Azarine held up her hand before the words between mother and daughter developed into an argument. ‘Allow me to talk to Danea alone, Serica.’
    When Serica flounced off Azarine smiled at the girl. ‘Can you read?’
    There was a sudden sense of alarm about the girl, as if she’d pulled a cloak of caution around her. Azarine pushed it aside easily. ‘Come, you can trust me, Danea.’
      ‘Aye, I can read, lady. I was born with the ability and all these years have had to deny it. And I can calculate numbers and know of the stars in the sky, and can tell stories set to music.’
    ‘Then you’re talented indeed.’
    The girl could not hide her flare of joy at being praised. ‘Even though it’s against the law, I have a craving inside me to know more. When I was young I had a nurse who taught me these things. When my father learned of it he cut her tongue out and cast her into the desert to die.’
    Gently, she said, ‘But your nurse didn’t die, did she?’
    Danea hung her head. ‘No lady, she was found by a group of the followers of the Grand Alchemist and nursed back to health. She is with them still, and comes to me in my dreams. You’re the first person I’ve told. Please don’t tell my father.’
    ‘Your secret is safe with me. I’m honored by your confidence. Would you consider joining my household, Danea? I think we’ll get along, don’t you?’
    The girl nodded, then her eyes slid sideways and she began to cry. ‘You have been good to me Lady, and I don’t deserve your kindness. I’ll risk a beating and tell them you didn’t want me.’
    ‘Will you tell me why?’
    Danea stared at the scuffed boots she wore on her feet and whispered, ‘My mother and my uncle expect me to spy on you.’
    Azarine gave the girl a hug. ‘Did you think I didn’t know that the minute Serica walked in? I’m glad you’ve told me. It means you’re honest, and that I can trust you. I ask you for a second time. Will you join me?’
    A wide smile spread across the girl’s face and her eyes began to shine. ‘Yes, my lady, and I’ll never let you down.’
    Azarine took the girl’s hands in hers and exerted pressure with her thumb. A luminous blue glow appeared and disappeared.
    ‘What was that?’ the girl whispered.
    ‘It’s the recognition sign of true-bloods.’
    ‘I have read of them,’ Danea said, looking scared and excited all at the same time. ‘They carry the genes of––’
    Azarine placed a finger over her mouth. You must tell nobody of what you are.’
    ‘But I don’t understand. How can I be a true-blood, when my parents are not?’
    ‘The gene is selective. Now ... you cannot attend me at the feast in that gown. There’s a pale green one in my vanity room that will not clash with the one I’m wearing. Esbel will see to your toilette, but we must be quick.’
    ‘But madam.’
    ‘Enough ... you smell as if you’ve been tending the pigs. See to her, Esbel.’
    ‘What will my mother and say if I turn up to the feast in such finery? Besides, I usually sit behind her.’
    A cold smile touched Azarine’s mouth. I imagine your mother will be envious, but it matters not, since you’re employed in my household now. Hurry now, and Esbel, make sure her hair is washed for it’s such a pretty color.  
    * * * *
    A little while later, Serica reported to Penn, ‘The Karshal woman has accepted Danea into her household.’
    ‘It’s about time Danea made herself useful,’ Penn said. ‘Azarine was considering taking Helise in. She still might. Cynan was thinking of choosing her as a wife for Laek.’
    ‘The girl is wayward.’
    Penn smiled. ‘Yes ... I’m counting on it. It’s not dignified for my brother to be under the spell
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