Dark Lightning

Dark Lightning Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dark Lightning Read Online Free PDF
Author: Janet Woods
Tags: fantasy romance
anyone? That I travel with my grandfather, who makes jewelry, and I sharpen knives and do odd jobs for a living? I’m hardly a threat to Lord Cynan or his henchmen.’
    ‘You have extraordinary intelligence, that in itself might interest them. They dismantled the schools, burned the books and slaughtered the teachers.’
    ‘It’s said the Karshal princess is intelligent and learned. Why haven’t they killed her?’
      ‘The Karshal daughter uses her skills to keep herself alive. Her many charms have kept Lord Cynan by her side, but before too long Cynan will reap what he has sown in Azarine, for she has stayed alive for a purpose.’
    Azarine ? Where had he heard the name before? ‘What is that purpose, Grandfather, and how do you know about it?’
    Orish looked troubled. ‘I’ve already said too much and you must never mention it again.’
    ‘You never say too much, only what you think I should know.’
    Orish answered with a small smile. ‘Come, let us be on our way. He set out across the plain towards the forest, his purposeful strides heading for the fork in the road that led to Arles. It wasn’t long before he slowed down and Hal caught him up.
    * * * *
    Azarine had just finished dressing for the evening feast in a gown the color of sunrise, when a servant brought a message from Cynan’s first wife, asking for an audience.
    Surprised, for she rarely saw the woman, Azarine allowed her entry. Serica didn’t bow to her, as most women did, but then, why should she? Azarine thought. Serica was small and round, the expression on her face set and determined. She couldn’t keep the envy from her eyes when she took in the splendor of Azarine’s gown and the dark glistening fall of her hair.
    ‘I suppose you’re wondering why I’m here,’ Serica said.
    ‘As the mother of Cynan’s daughter you have the right to be in the manor. I’m pleased to see you. Take a seat and tell me the purpose of your visit.’
     Serica looked mollified. ‘It’s Danea.’
    ‘Your daughter ... is there something wrong with her?’
    ‘I want you to take her under your protection. I thought she could serve you.’
    ‘But she’s Cynan’s daughter. Hasn’t he arranged a marriage for her?’
    ‘He shows very little interest in her. Despite her birth Danea is plain, awkward and clumsy. She's a lump, in fact. Those I’ve approached with sons have shown reluctance. Men tease her and the women laugh at her behind her back. Danea has no graces, and says she won’t wed unless someone loves her for herself. I despair of her.’
    Pity for the girl flowed through Azarine. ‘I’ll need Cynan’s permission.’
    ‘Aye, but he’ll do anything you ask,’ Serica said bitterly. ‘Some say you’ve enchanted him.’
    Azarine frowned as she warned, ‘It would be better for them, and for you, if Cynan didn’t hear them utter such a lie. If the girl is here with you fetch her in. I’ll see if we get on.’
    Serica nodded and headed for the door. She returned in a short while with a girl dressed in an ugly grey shift. Danea wasn’t as plain as people said, but her pale skin was scattered with a handful of freckles and her mouth drooped in discontent. She had a shapely body, and pale, straight eyebrows over dull brown eyes. Her reddish hair was fashioned into an untidy braid.
    ‘I understand you have no desire to wed, Danea.’
    ‘I’ve not met anyone I care enough for, or who even wanted to wed me,’ said the girl a trifle defiantly, and she darted a glance at her mother. ‘I see no reason to hasten into a marriage for the sake of convenience.’
    Serica scolded. ‘You’re ugly, and you do not attract men easily. If you’re too fussy you’ll never wed.’
    A flush crept under the girl’s fine skin. Azarine could almost feel the misery and turmoil her mother’s words had created in her.
    ‘There are things I want to do first, places I want to see. I want to learn, know the history of the past.’
    ‘Pah!’ Serica said.
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