Dark Creations: Dark Ending (Part 6)

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Book: Dark Creations: Dark Ending (Part 6) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jennifer Martucci
relaxed and Terzini straightened his stance.  To the men in the room who stood with rifles at the ready, he said, “Take her away.  I cannot bear to look at her grimy face any longer.”
    Two guards clutched her arms and yanked her to her feet.  “You will never catch Gabriel,” she said with confidence that surpassed what she felt.  “He is smarter than you think, smarter than you .”
    Terzini spun and snapped his head in her direction before closing the distance between them.  With impossible speed, his arms launched out and the back of his hand struck her cheek.  Her face throbbed, stinging and swelling where he’d slapped her.  She wanted to cry, but willed the burning behind her eyelids to cease.  She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her tears.  Instead, she tipped her chin defiantly and trained her gaze on him.  She watched him with disgust, focusing all of her fear, all of her hurt like daggers aimed at him.  He did not flinch and she had not expected him to. 
    He laughed a cruel laugh that was befitting his merciless personality.  “Such a fool,” he sneered.  “Get her out of my sight immediately and clean her up.  Scrub her skin raw with the stiffest brush you can find and do not bring her back to me until she’s spotless!”
    Terzini turne d on his heels and marched off in a self-righteous huff.  Melissa felt hatred unlike any she’d ever felt before bubble and brim within her as both men wrenched her arms and began dragging her.  She closed her eyes, only this time, her life did not flash before them.  She did not see a blood crusted mane of gold lashing through fragmented clips of her past.  And she did not dare to dream of Gabriel and weddings and domestic bliss.  All she could see were images connected with the words that whispered through her.  Kill him .  Kill Franklin Terzini , they urged her, and she envisioned the maniacal leader dying by her hand.  She would not let him lure Gabriel to his death.  She would take Terzini’s life and sacrifice her own if need be. 
    As she was hauled down a long, carpeted hallway, Melissa Martin silently vowed she would do whatever it took to save the man she loved , if he still lived, even if it meant an end to her own life.

    Chapter 4
    Amber raked a hand through her hair and wondered what her next move would be.  The van with the virus was gone, which meant Arnold Gathers had been dispatched to unleash Terzini’s plague on the world.  Gabriel had left in search of Melissa, who was surely dead by now.  She knew that Gabriel had likely ridden off to his death, a probability that saddened her deeply, but was of his own choosing.  Arnold was another case completely.  If she did not stop him, an entire planet of unsuspecting victims would fall, including Kyle. 
    She glanced over her shoulder and a found a familiar pair of hazel eyes watching her.  Kyle dropped his gaze to the ground below as soon as she made eye contact with him, and in that moment, her next move became clear.  She knew she needed to try to help those around her.  She needed to hunt down Arnold Gathers and stop him before he fulfilled his task. 
    If she were going to find Arnold, she needed a vehicle, a fast one.  Her motorcycle was gone , as were the ATVs, though an all-terrain vehicle would have been useless as it was not capable of traveling at a fast enough speed to close the distance between her and Arnold.  She knew Terzini had planned for him to release the virus in the most heavily populated place in the country.  He had told her that it would be released in Manhattan.  She needed to trail him now.  Time was running out. 
    She scanned the clearing around the dilapidated farmhouse in search of Jack Downing, the former soldier Gabriel had trusted enough to follow and fight alongside of.  When her eyes settled upon his tall, broad-shouldered form, she strode to him immediately. 
    “Jack,” she began and interrupted a conversation he
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