Dangerous Secrets
That was before I found out
she′s trying to destroy someone′s marriage.″
    ‶ Maggie, you don′t know
    ‶ Why else would you come to the
same inn as your lover and his wife if you didn′t want to break up the
    ‶ I don′t know. And you
don′t know. If Eileen′s lover was a cheat, he was a cheat before he
got here.″
    ‶ Who? Who is it?″
    ‶ I don′t know, and I
don′t want to know. Besides, Eileen′s lover may have nothing to do
with anyone at the inn. It could be someone who lives in the area.″
    ‶ Well, if I knew, I′d tell
the wife. She deserves to know.″
    ‶ It’s not fair to judge people
without knowing all the facts.″
    ‶ Now you sound like
    ‶ Thanks for the
compliment.″ I switched off the bathroom light. ‶ Can we just go to
    ‶ To sleep?″ she asked,
disappointed, but she was still radiating anger as she folded down the
    ‶ If you don′t mind.”
    Maggie wouldn′t look at me. She turned
off the overhead light, got into bed and pulled the sheet up to her shoulder,
her back toward me. I crawled in and stared at the darkened ceiling, counting
to ten. Rolling onto my side, I put my arm around her and we lay together like
spoons. Her anger had cooled, and her hand snaked down to clasp my arm. ‶‵ Night,
    ‶ Good night, love.″
    Time dragged.
    Maggie′s body relaxed as she drifted off
to sleep. Tired as I was, my mind refused to shut down. I found myself
analyzing all the odd emotions I′d encountered from the people I′d
met that day.
    And I wondered which one of them was going to

Chapter 4
    ‶ Hot water,″ I groaned,
staring at the ceiling the next morning. I literally had to pull myself out of
that bed, which would′ve been right at home in a medieval torture
chamber. The fact that I couldn′t linger under a shower to ease the ache
in my back and shoulders didn′t improve my mood.
    Maggie straightened painfully, her lips tight.
She didn′t complain, although I could tell she was hurting as much as me.
    We took turns at the bathroom sink. I heard
water running in the other bathrooms on the floor below us, and swallowed a
pang of jealousy. With the liberal use of deodorant, I was sure we
wouldn′t offend any of the other guests. Maggie had a hard time rinsing
the shampoo from her hair. We only had two small towels and I was determined to
get more, even if I had to strangle Susan.
    By the time we ventured down to the dining
room, two other couples were already there. We hadn′t met them the night
before, but I waved a perfunctory hello to the young couple closest to the
entrance. They looked as out-of-place as Maggie and me. Their clothes said they
couldn′t afford it, and they looked too young to appreciate the
experience. The well-tanned, muscular guy had a huge plate of food before him,
shoveling eggs into his mouth, while his blonde companion applied ruby polish
to her nails. An empty muffin cup sat on a napkin before her.
    The other couple, probably ten years older than
the first, seemed engrossed in each other—perhaps they were there on a romantic
get-away as Susan′s brochure suggested. The pretty, longhaired brunette
gazed into her companion′s eyes, enraptured.
    Maggie and I headed for the coffee pots.
Pouring our own, we settled at one of the empty tables. ‶ Now what?″ I
asked, looking toward the kitchen. ‶ Do they serve us like in a
    ‶ Some inns and larger B and Bs
have a buffet,″ Maggie offered.
    Revived by the aroma of bacon and sausage, I
knew food had to be nearby.
    A beefy kid in his early twenties, with
sandy-colored hair and dark eyes, came out of the kitchen and placed a pitcher
of orange juice on the sideboard next to the coffee pots. A tattoo of a large
pink rose, pierced by a dagger dripping blood, decorated his bulging bicep.
    He noticed us and strolled over. ‶ Hi,
I′m Adam.″
    ‶ Nice tattoo,″ I said.
    The kid actually blushed and yanked
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