Dangerous Beauty: Part One: Destiny
be a little conceited, but she knew she looked hot in her shorts and tank. Her hair was pressed to perfection. She kept it from getting wet in the shower to keep it bouncy. Carter knew that if even a little bit of water hit her hair she’d be sporting a very large afro.
    She noticed a group of men on the other side of the street watching her walk to work. They were definitely here on vacation and they looked fun. She turned and waved at them, pointed to the Benny’s Bar logo on her shirt, then turned to continue walking toward the bar.
    When she reached the entrance she turned once more and saw the group walking toward the bar and she smiled to herself. Now Benny would get more business and she would get more tips.
    Right when she walked in the bar she was greeted by the other waitresses and Benny.
    “Hey hun, oooo, I love that ribbon. I didn’t even think of that for my hair,” one of the waitresses said running her fingers through Carter’s long ponytail. “Your hair is so pretty Carter, so soft.”
    Carter smiled. She got that a lot. People have always told her how much they love the texture of her thick hair. If only they knew how long it took her to make it look like that every day.
    “Thanks, I’ll bring some extra ribbon for you tomorrow.”
    Soon Carter heard the door open and she looked over just in time to see her group walk inside. She smiled smugly.
    Damn, I’m good
, she thought.
    She walked over to hand them menus and show them to one of her tables.
    As she walked back to the kitchen Angie, her manager, walked up to her. “That sure is a big group,” she said looking over Carter’s shoulder. “They’re all so cute too. I love the summer time when sexy guys come here for vacation. It makes me glad that I moved here.”
    Carter nodded her head and smirked. “You and me both, honey.” They both giggled and got to work.
    The bar was busier than usual, vacationers filled the downtown area and businesses were reaping the benefits of the season. By the middle of her shift Carter was exhausted, but she perked up when she saw a gorgeous familiar face that she hadn’t seen in months.
    “Kyle!” she screamed as she ran over to him, jumping in his arms for a big hug.
    Kyle picked her up, spinning her around in his arms. She loved when he did that, he was so tall it felt like she was flying.
    He laughed when he put her down. “So I’m guessing this means you missed me, huh?” he said sarcastically.
    Carter giggled and hit one of his big muscled arms. “Yes, I missed you, you jerk. Where the hell did you disappear to?”
    “I had to work, my boss is an asshole and he called me out of nowhere.” He hunched his shoulders and rocked back and forth on his heels, “So, you know, I had to go.”
    Carter’s brows furrowed. “But you didn’t even come to say goodbye before you left, Kyle. I thought you didn’t like me anymore,” Carter said, pouting a little more than she liked, but she really wanted to know why Kyle left and never called.
    She started working at Benny’s at the end of the summer last year and Kyle was her first customer. The first thing she noticed when she walked up to his table was his handsome face. With chiseled features, sky blue eyes, and gorgeous black hair that went a little passed his shoulders Kyle was the most gorgeous guy she had ever seen in her life. But he was a player and that didn’t surprise Carter one bit. Of course a guy that handsome, who could have absolutely any girl he wanted wasn’t a one woman guy. Of course she still flirted with him like crazy, but she would never sleep with him. He had come to the bar often when he was in Hope Beach and he would even call her when he was out of town. They really had become great friends, and then out of nowhere he just up and disappeared two months ago. No goodbye. No see you soon. Nothing.
    Carter crossed her arms over her chest, starting to get upset at the sexy bastard standing in front of her
. He thinks he can just
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