We grinned. Old school was back! The Colonel suddenly grabbed me in a friendly headlock. ‘I love this boy, Toots! When I had a problem with mad Islamic lunatics, what did he do? He found a gang of even madder Islamic lunatics and sicced them on them! Genius!’
Toots did a little ‘ahem’ cough and raised her clipboard.
The Colonel straightened up and released me from the headlock. ‘Ah. I’d forgotten. You’re one of them too.’
Toots nodded and clicked her pen, indicating that would be the end of the matter.
He continued. ‘OK. When I was in FRU we’d have twenty grand in a holdall in the car boot, and we’d get out there and buy us some touts. It worked.’
Toots opened the folder on the clipboard. She’d obviously been busy. ‘We like the look of this guy. Lennie George. Fastest-rising black senior officer in the Met. And don’t say Ali Dizae in response because he’s not black, he’s Iranian. Anyway. Lennie’s a thieftaker. His troops love him. He runs the Flying Squad.
‘And he’s bent.’
We stared in disbelief.
The Colonel spoke. ‘Bent in what manner? Tarts? Drugs? Kickbacks?’
‘Gambling,’ said Toots, ‘he’d bet on which fly has the most legs. He’s hopeless, and into hock with several right East End faces to the tune of sixty grand.’
I raised my hand.
‘And what about the villains that have a piece of him?’
‘We take them out or get them in too.’
‘OK. Sounds good.’
Six months ago Toots would have been going ‘Ya allah, is that legal Sir?’
Now she just clicked her pen again in satisfaction.
The Colonel continued. ‘We also need someone on ACPO if possible, and people high up the food chain who can make things go away. As in evidence, forensics, that kind of thing. With me?’
‘With you Sir.’
‘Right. Now. I have a video to show you two.’
He clicked a remote and his office TV flickered to life. The Breivik trial. We watched the subtitles as Breivik was cross-examined. He looked rattled as he spoke. ‘Exactly what is it you’re getting at? Are you trying to sow doubt over whether the KT network exists? It does.’
The Colonel paused it. ‘I’ll precis it. He admitted he met with persons unknown in 2002 to set up a European counter-jihad resistance, whether it’s KT or The Order 777 remains unclear. There were two Englishmen, including his mentor known as “Richard the Lionheart”, a Serb, and a French nationalist at one or both of these founding meetings. One Englishman might be Paul Ray, we can discount him as he’s not a threat. But that leaves a Serb, maybe another English national, and a French national unaccounted for. It gets worse. Breivik has been writing from his cell and these communiques are being put on the web by his fanbase. We think he’s reactivating something, there are unknown commanders out there, and it couldn’t come at a worse time.’
There was silence. Toots broke the spell by announcing she was going downstairs to type up TANGENT, and the Colonel and I sat down in our respective chairs. We were lost in thought. I toyed with a pen.
‘Anyway, Riz. Back to the matter in hand. Afghanistan. Your next port of call is with Wendy on floor three to get you fitted for Dagger. And you’ll need your jabs.’
Oh brilliant. There went the afternoon.
‘Boss, it took a day last time!’
‘That was three years ago. It’s quicker now. They’ve got facial mapping.’
Right. The boss was still on a roll. ‘While you’re getting fixed up, Riz, get creative. Try and think of some ways of getting the chiefs put out of action like the Home Sec wants. The Police Superintendents’ Association is having its conference soon. Nothing is off-limits.’
I rushed in from the stairs to my flat with a nagging hunch. How bloody stupid of me! I hadn’t checked the access, if any, to Bang-Bang’s IMVU account. I logged onto my own IMVU account and hit search for “BangBangKirpachi”. I