Damsel in Danger (Danger Incorporated Book 1)
hair samples from at least four different people plus dozens of fingerprints all over the room.” West grimaced and shuddered. “This place was a germaphobe’s nightmare. It makes even me not want to stay in a hotel ever again. Disgusting.”
    Hotel rooms were some of the worst crime scenes and for good reason. By their very nature, people were in and out of them randomly. If the average American knew what had been deposited on the surfaces and bedspreads they’d be appalled.
    “And he fell here.” Jason stood over the bloodstain that had turned brown. “This is halfway between the table and the closet. Was anything found in there?”
    “A couple of shirts hung up and an extra pair of shoes.”
    Jason walked back and forth between the spot of the body and the door, trying to picture what had happened. Images played like a movie through his brain before being rejected one by one until he found the one that spoke to him.
    He could see it now. It was fuzzy but he had the bare bones of the events.
    “The killer knocked on the door and the victim answered it. He knew the killer or was expecting him.” Jason pointed to the table. “They sat there and had something to drink.”
    “But we only found one cup,” West interjected. “And there was nothing in the garbage like a can of soda or anything.”
    “Look at how the cups are lined up on the dresser. There’s three plastic cups stacked together and one on its own. That says to me that two glasses are missing. Check in the other rooms to see how many plastic cups are normally stocked but I’m betting it’s six.”
    “Jesus, you’re spooky. Since when do you concentrate on little details like that?”
    Since they saved my life.
    “Age and wisdom, little brother. I’ve got a few more years doing this under my belt, that’s all.”
    “Well, color me impressed. What else do you know?”
    “I don’t know for sure. I’m only giving my opinion.” The events kept playing through his mind, clearer now than they had been even a few minutes ago. “There was no garbage? I think that’s pretty strange when you look at the lax housekeeping here. I think the killer sat and had a drink with Gaines. They talked. Gaines got up and started walking to the closet. That’s when the killer shot him. Then he cleaned up, probably taking the garbage with him and throwing it away in a dumpster nearby. I’d have your guys check within a mile area. The only thing I’m uncertain about is how he had time to clean the room up. A gunshot makes noise.”
    “That I can answer.” West pointed to an area near the table and chairs. “Forensics recovered pieces of plastic over here. My guess is the killer used a poor man’s silencer to muffle the sound.”
    “A plastic soda bottle? Our killer may not be an amateur. He may have killed before.”
    West shrugged carelessly. “Or he watches CSI or true crime shows. Anyone with a cable subscription can watch that stuff twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.”
    Why anyone would want to Jason couldn’t fathom, but then crime wasn’t entertainment for him. It was his job.
    “Did you find a laptop or a tablet? A phone? Gaines was in his twenties and I would imagine he had at least one of those items.”
    “I think you’re right but we didn’t find any. My guess is the killer took off with them. That’s why we initially thought this might be a robbery. The manager said Gaines was carrying a laptop case over his shoulder when he checked in.”
    “That underlines my theory that Gaines knew his killer. Maybe the killer wanted whatever Gaines had on his laptop?”
    “An unemployed kid who lives over his brother’s garage? What would he have?” West grinned and shook his head. “What is he—some kind of secret spy? Maybe you should check some of your government contacts.”
    “I will, but I doubt it. A secret spy wouldn’t be naive enough to keep sensitive information on their laptop.”
    West snapped his fingers, his brows
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