Damaged & Dangerous: The Sacred Hearts MC Book VI

Damaged & Dangerous: The Sacred Hearts MC Book VI Read Online Free PDF

Book: Damaged & Dangerous: The Sacred Hearts MC Book VI Read Online Free PDF
Author: A. J. Downey
Tags: Sacred Hearts MC
pockets looking for
    “Thanks for telling me, it’s a pretty name,” I uttered and continued
to search my pockets. “Why don’t you want my last name?” I was genuinely
curious. I caught her sad, one sided smile out of the corner of my eye before
she drifted back further into the shadows.
    I shook my head and, making
like I found what I was looking for, slipped into the cold, dark night. The final glimpse I caught of her face was a startled expression mixed with
relief that I hadn’t pressed. Yeah, it was a
dangerous game I played, expressing any kind of interest in the VP’s Ol’ Lady.
But the gnawing impression that shit just wasn’t right wouldn’t let me go.
    Dani was smart, pretty, and didn’t use. The cherry on top? She
was clearly unhappy about being with that dirty, nasty fuck. It was an
interesting mystery wrapped in an enigma, why
she was with him. But it also wasn’t why I was here. Still, the damned
girl tugged at my heartstrings which could be bad news, but only if I let it.
Only if I wasn’t smart about it.
    I put on my facemask goggles,
fixed my helmet, and pulled on my gloves after zipping my jacket . Axe and
Corbin were similarly suited up and sitting astride their bikes. We had the machines warming up while I fiddled with my wardrobe
and they smoked. I furiously tried to think
about where we could be headed, who it was they had in their crosshairs, and
more importantly, how the hell I could tip off D before we got there.
    “Where we headed?” I called above the chugging bikes, trying
to make it sound like an idle question.
    “You’ll see!” Corbin called.
    “We sure this fucker’s alone?” I called.
    “ No, you dumb cunt!  Which
is why we’re just watching for the first bit. When we’re sure, we’ll move,” Axe yelled. He kicked his stand out from under his
bike, righting it, and I nodded once.
    “You scared, Prospect!?” Corbin yelled, and I could see the
outline of his grin through the bandana that covered the lower half of his
    No, but you should be. I thought to myself.
    “Lead the way, man!” I called, and we pulled out. The ride
was cold, the night clear, and the moon hung about half full in the sky. It may
have only been half, but the moon’s light was still bright enough to illuminate
the surrounding countryside by a fair bit. We pulled off at a cheap station to
make sure the bikes were gassed up and I knew where we were, whose place we
were close to. I made an excuse to take a piss and shot D a warning text.
    Close to Lucky’s – Rat gave up his 20. 2 SK’s & me.
    I pissed into the urinal and the burner pinged back.
    Watch yourself. Place Trapped. Lucky warned.
    I texted back I was burning the burner, snapped the old
school flip-phone in half, and ditched it in the trash, which was one of those
metal domed affairs, just as Axe came through the door.
    “Ready?” he demanded. I hadn’t washed my damned hands but
he’d seen me throw something in the trash so it was best to let him think it
was paper towels. There were worse things in life than not washing your hands
once after you’d pissed.
    “Yeah, let’s go,” I grumbled.
    “Fuck, Man, you take forever to piss,” Corbin griped.
    “I got a thirteen-inch cock, it’s got a long way to fucking
travel,” I shot back over my shoulder as he followed me out. I put my helmet on
to the track of their laughter after he shared what I’d said with Corbin, and
started up my bike. They probably wouldn’t be laughing in a couple of hours.
They’d probably be dead. I almost felt bad about it. Corbin and Axe weren’t
half bad when they weren’t high, except I couldn’t shake the image of them double
teaming a girl who was clearly fucking out of it and unable to consent. Still,
not going to lie to myself about it, that was pretty much the worst sin I’d
seen ‘em commit compared to a lot of the others. Which, that really just told
you how fucked up and depraved these assholes were.
    At least,
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