apple pie for dessert. Can I get you something to drink to start you off?” Her voice held a hint of a southern accent as she spoke. Seth listened, but couldn’t take his eyes off the woman sitting across the booth from him. She hadn’t looked up once since she had removed her hat. She sat staring at her lap, and it drove him crazy.
    “Do you want some coffee?” he asked, realizing that he didn’t even know her name yet. She didn’t look up or respond, kee ping her gaze cast down. Seth reached across the table, knocking on the surface in front of her twice to get her attention. Her eyes snapped to him as she jumped slightly before her cheeks flushed pink.
    “What?” she asked, her eyes darting to the waitress and then back to him.
    Seth’s lips curled at the corners. “I asked if you wanted coffee.”
    Her pert little nose wrinkled in disgust. “I don’t like coffee.”
    “Is there something else you want then, sugar?” the waitress asked . “We have soda, lemonade, tea, hot chocolate…”
    She perked up at that, but was still hesitant. “Hot chocolate, pleas e, but—” Panic seemed to set in as she cut her sentence short and turned her wide-eyed, worried gaze on him. Seth knew what she was going to say.
    Shaking his head softly he gave her a comforting smile. “I got it. Get whatever you want.”
    “Just hot chocolate,” she whispered, returning her gaze to her lap.
    Seth nodded. “All right. One hot chocolate, one coffee…and bring us a piece of that apple pie, would ya?”
    Karen grinned, winking knowingly. “Sure thing, sugar. I’ll b e right back with that.” Seth stayed quiet for a moment after the waitress walked away. He wanted to know everything about her, but he’d have to start with the basics.
    “What’s your name?”
    “None of your business,” she retorted, twisting her ponytail around her fingers.
    Ah, there was the feisty little woman from last night. He was pleased to see her return. Her sharp tongue would flay him bare, no doubt, but that wasn’t going to stop him.
    Seth cocked his head to the side, a smirk pulling at his lips. “Oh I think it is, sweetheart. You owe me.”
    Her head lifted and those beautiful eyes narrowed. “For what?”
    “For keeping you out of jail,” he drawled. “Caught you stealing, remember? Twice, actually.”
    She stared at him, chewing the inside of her cheek before her full lips parted to speak. “Blackmail. I see how this works,” she muttered. Once again, her fingers went to her hair. “It’s Brittany.”
    Bullshit . Seth had been a cop long enough to know when someone was lying to him. “That’s a pretty name.”
    “Thank you,” she whispered.
    “You’re welcome,” he replied. “Now, tell me your real name.” Seth bit back a grin when she huffed out a breath and crossed her arms over her chest, making it apparent that she was losing patience with him. He ran a hand through his hair and shrugged. “You don’t have to tell me your last name, if that makes you feel better. I just want your first.”
    “ I hate my name,” she sighed. “It’s stupid.”
    Seth smiled, leaning over the table toward her. “Oh, it can’t be that bad. Tell you what, how about I guess it?” She raised an eyebrow, looking at him like he was an idiot. He tapped his fingertips on the table while he thought for a moment. “Okay, let’s see…Bertha?”
    Her lips quirked, but she stayed quiet.
    “No? Okay, then it must be Gertrude,” he teased with a wink. She just stared back at him, but she had a glimmer in her eye now. She was amused. “Is that it? I knew it. I’ll just call you Gertie then.” Seth sat back in his seat and watched as a slight smile tilted one side of her mouth. She was even prettier when she smiled.
    “It’s Monica,” she whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear.
    “Monica,” he repeated, liking the way it rolled from his tongue. “That’s not a stupid name. I like it.”
    Monica cringed, looking slightly
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