Daddy Morebucks

Daddy Morebucks Read Online Free PDF

Book: Daddy Morebucks Read Online Free PDF
Author: Normandie Alleman
good for painting. Plus he wanted to help her, to spend time with her.
    “Suit yourself.” Marley shrugged and went back to painting.
    “Back in a flash.” This girl was tough. You’d think she’d at least be grateful for his assistance…
    James spirited his Porsche over to the nearest big box store, picked up a couple of rollers and some blue tape. He changed in the restroom then made his way back to Marley’s apartment.
    He knocked on her door again.
    “It’s open,” she called.
    Glancing around the one-room apartment, he noticed a tiny kitchenette to the right, and surmised that the only door in the place led to the bathroom. A ratty futon, a glass coffee table, and a TV tray serving as an end table were the only pieces of furniture. Clearly, she was on a shoestring budget.
    Something gnawed at his gut when he compared his sublime apartment in Prescott Tower to her meager dwelling. Why did there have to be so much poverty in the world? Why couldn’t good, decent people have more? He spent many an evening attending charity events to assuage his guilt for being blessed with more than his share.
    Damn, I’ve been lucky. He knew it was more than luck. He was also smart and talented with a huge drive to succeed. But fate had smiled upon him, of that there was no doubt.
    As he looked at Marley, with all her spunk, beauty, and personality, he wondered why the fates had been so unkind to her.
    “What’s that?” she asked, pointing at the blue tape in his hand.
    “Tape to keep you from getting paint on the ceiling or the baseboards.”
    “Huh,” Marley said, as if that hadn’t been a concern of hers.
    He climbed up the stepladder and proceeded to affix tape to the ceiling, protecting it from her golden, sunny hue. “Where’d you get this ladder?”
    “The super. He’s real sweet.”
    Marley pushed the raven hair out of her face and picked up her roller to start painting again. A natural glow radiated from inside her. She was beautiful.
    “Thank you for helping me.” She peered at him shyly through her bangs.
    “You’re welcome. It’s been ages since I’ve painted anything. It’s kinda fun.” He smiled warmly at her.
    “Me too. I thought it would cheer the place up.”
    He nodded at the yellow wall. “It certainly brightens up the room. Like you.” He couldn’t resist speaking his thoughts aloud. She softened at the compliment. “How about I do the top part and you do the bottom?” As the words trickled out his mouth, he realized the double entendre.
    “Sure,” she said, apparently oblivious to any salacious meaning he might have had. But his mind flashed with a mental picture of him topping her. Marley beneath him, submissive and quivering with a desire to please him as he held her tightly, crop in one hand, the other wound around the back of her neck. His cock twitched.
    “Okay.” He moved to another section of the room, hoping to conceal his arousal. Damn, this girl has a powerful effect on me .
    They worked together in a comfortable silence. The room was approximately eighteen by twenty-two and after an hour or so, they were a little over halfway done. James’ stomach growled.
    “What do you say we take a break for lunch, doll, and then come back to finish, more fortified?”
    “Good idea,” she said, wiping her brow.
    “Where would you like to go?”
    “Mmm. Mexican?”
    “That sounds great, I love Mexican food. On the Border?”
    He shook his head. “It’s the middle of a work day.”
    She stared at the paint trays. “Really? I think you can do this kind of work under the influence of a few margaritas.”
    He sighed. “Is it a deal-breaker?”
    Crossing her arms over her chest, she nodded.
    “Fine. But just so you know, I won’t usually be such a pushover.” It wasn’t like him to let a girl call the shots. He was dominant by nature. But everything about this girl was new to him.
    She lifted a brow. “Thank you, Sir,” she said, gratitude dripping
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