Cross Me Off Your List
and Tate. You’ll get to see the inside of our world,
    “Who is Darby?” I ask. My brain is in my
luggage, wondering what I’ll wear tonight, but I don’t want Noah to
think I’m not interested in what he has to say.
    Noah shakes his head. “Someone you won’t get
along with,” he says. “She’s Tate’s girlfriend. She has a YouTube
channel about us, and she’s been a hardcore Saturnite since the
beginning. But she’s more concerned about making her friends in the
fandom happy than anything else, and it causes some problems. None
worth talking about, though. I just avoid her.”
    “And she doesn’t want to be seen out with the
band? Sounds to me like she’d be all over that,” I say.
    “Oh, she would be,” he says. “But her parents
won’t let her. They’re here too this week, so she and Tate are
going out to dinner with them tonight, thank God.”
    My curiosity wants to dig in and ask why in
the hell parents are here for spring break, but I feel like Noah
will just repeat the same things he’s already told me. There is
another way to dig up dirt, though.
    “Well, I’m going back to 322 so I can get
ready for tonight,” I say, getting up from his bed. “I figure you
guys run into a lot of photographers, and I don’t want to be
labeled as ‘hot mess’ in any paparazzi pictures that may hit the
    Noah grabs the spare pillow on the bed and
throws it over his face. I’m sure Nat’s probably used that same
line on him more times than I realize.
    “Fine then. Go,” he says, his words muffled.
Then he peeks out from behind the pillow. “Not that you could ever
look like an actual hot mess or anything, but I get it. I live with
Nat. I’ll come to your room around seven, if that’s cool with
    “Perfect,” I say. “See you then.”
    Once I’m secure in my hotel room, I flip open
my laptop and immediately search the guys online. I haven’t had a
chance to do my proper internet research since the big reveal. I
honestly didn’t think I’d turn my laptop on even once during this
week. Funny how things turn out.
    I begin with Tate’s girlfriend, Darby
McMillon. Noah wasn’t kidding about her YouTube channel. She has
over two million followers on Darby’s Daily Dose of Drama. She
looks like a pastel sundress kind of girl – the kind of girl whose
mom has to approve what she’s wearing before she leaves home and
never wants to break curfew, if she even has one. She looks
wholesome and sweet and maybe a bit young. She’s probably not
someone I’d hang out with, but she doesn’t appear nearly as vicious
as Noah made her sound.
    I decide to forgo watching her actual videos
and move on to Googling the Branson family. The amount of fan sites
that appear on the first page of results alone overwhelms me. It’s
like the Kardashian sisters – famous for existing. A boyband
secretly hangs out in your house for a few weeks and BOOM – you’re
famous. Their youngest sister, Emery, seems to be the fan favorite,
and although everyone says Aralie and Chloe are night and day, they
seem to stick together in the Saturn circus.
    My better judgment isn’t so sure about this
all of a sudden. I mean, yeah, Noah’s cool and I can’t even deny
that he’s completely hot in that punk rock, tattooed, dreamy guy
kind of way, but scrolling through these pages and seeing the
Branson sisters’ lives flipped upside down right in front of me is
scary. Fandoms aren’t always so welcoming of outsiders, especially
some newbie who didn’t even know Benji and Noah when she saw them.
They might as well feed me to the sharks.
    But then this little voice slips in and it’s
definitely not my conscious. “I hope you don’t mind. I was just
a bit inspired.” It makes my teeth hurt. Actually, it does a
hell of a lot more than just make my teeth hurt. It feels like bird
talons ripping away at my skin, trying to rip my heart from my
chest, snapping bones to get through my
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