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Book: Crimson Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shirley Conran
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
and refuse to share it, and she couldn’t give it away to charity? And Annabel couldn’t buy a couple of yacht sT “Exactly. The advantage of a trust is that there would be a permanent cautionary control over the capital,” Adam said.
    “I suspect that you would have nothing to lose, Miranda, were a trust to be established and you might possibly have a great deal to gain. Trustees do not like frivolous expenditure; they might, shall we say, guard your sisters from themselves.” Miranda said firmly, “Then I vote for a trust.”
    “And what do you think Annabel will want?”
    Adam asked.
    “Perhaps it would be best if you discussed this with her, rather than me.” Such a matter was always difficult to bring up with a close relative at such a time: that was why he had discussed it with Miranda before their arrival at Saracen. Adam added apologetically, “You know better than I do how to handle Annabel so that such a discussion won’t upset her. I’m afraid she’d turn on me, perhaps think I’m being
    coldblooded.” 11 don’t see why she should,” Miranda said.
    “But I think you should talk to her because you can answer her questions, if she has any; I know nothing about the legal ramifications. Don’t worry, Adam. Of course, Annabel is ridiculously sentimental, but after all, you have nothing to gain you’re only trying to prevent trouble for us. Basically, I’m confident that Annabel won’t want Clare holding the purse strings, back in a position to boss us around. Stress that to Annabel and she won’t be sentimental.”
    The apricot flush of the evening sky paled beyond the balustrade of the terrace, and the quivering reflections of the sea faded on Elinor’s bedroom ceiling. She had been drifting in and out of sleep; the churning noise of the helicopter rotors finally awakened her. After the noise ceased, Elinor heard shrieked greetings and laughter from the far terrace. Only a few moments later, her bedroom door burst open.
    “Darling Gran, this is wonderful!” Miranda ran to the bedside and kissed her grandmother.
    “Welcome back!”
    Outside on the terrace, while Clare put two-year-old Josh to bed, Adam sipped champagne and chatted with Annabel. As he had done to Miranda, he mentioned the possibility of a trust as an alternative to Clare’s being left in charge of the family fortune.
    Annabel reacted with surprise, followed by irritation.
    “I had quite enough of being pushed about by Clare when we were children. Tell me more about this trust idea.”
    After dinner, Adam suggested to Clare that they take a walk. He wanted to be sure there would be no time-wasting opposition or bickering among the sisters when Elinor had so little strength left.
    “Do we really have to talk about this now, Ada mT Clare in no mood for financial discussion as they sauntered downhill, through winding narrow streets lined by bougainvillea and dimly lit by oldfashioned lampposts.
    “I hoped that I could rely on you to be sensible, not sentimental,” Adam said firmly. He added, “I’m only trying to arrange what Elinor would want and what is best for all of you. That’s my duty as Elinor’s adviser.” ” Clare thought how pompous Adam sounded. Why did Gran always have to have some man around to tell her what to do? When Daddy Billy was alive, his word had always been final. Then Gran’s lawyer Joe Grant had become the great male authority figure in their lives, and now his son, Adam, had inherited the mantle of wisdom.
    “I don’t see what’s wrong with just sharing it out,” Clarree said.
    “In case you haven’t noticed, old friend, we aren’t babies any longer. I’m a grown-up married woman.” Hesitantly Adam said, “Miranda and Annabel like the concept of a trust.” . Clare spoke tartly.
    “Of course Annabel will agree without thinking to whatever Miranda suggests, because -that’s what she’s always done. But I don’t see why a trust is necessary. In fact, it seems an -inecessarily
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