
Creatura Read Online Free PDF

Book: Creatura Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nely Cab
Tags: Romance
suddenly recognized that voice. I opened my mouth in an effort to scream at the top of my lungs. He pressed his hand over my mouth muffling my poor attempt at crying out for help.
    “I win,” he grinned.
    My entire body trembled frantically as I felt the blood plummet from my head and down to my feet. I was no longer breathing. I started to feel a cold numbness. Everything turned black. My legs caved in taking my consciousness with them.

 Chapter 2
    The school nurse was holding a thermometer in my mouth when I came to.
    “Don’t you dare sit up, young lady.” Her left arm rested over my chest.
    “Oh, thank God, it was only a dream,” I thought to myself.
    “I tried to get hold of your mother at the courthouse, but she was busy. I left her a message telling her you weren’t feeling well. She should be calling back soon.” She held the thermometer up to the light. “No temperature. Did you have breakfast this morning?”
    I nodded, “Yes”.
    “If you’re not eating, I’ll have you in here every single day during lunch to observe you,” the nurse threatened.
    “That’s not necessary.” A male voice came from the doorway. “I will keep an eye on her for you.”
    I sprung up and sat on the gurney bed immediately. I could feel the blood draining from my face again as I saw him standing there. He was a hallucination. I had gone insane!
    “That’s very thoughtful of you,” the nurse responded to David’s comment.
    “You see him too?” I sat agape.
    “Did she hit her head?” The nurse started to examine my scalp.
    “I don’t believe so,” David answered.
    I started to mildly hyperventilate. My eyes and mouth were wide open. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It hadn’t been a dream, and I wasn’t hallucinating. Insanity, however, I was not yet ruling out.
    The nurse leaned in close to my ear. “Close your mouth dear. Try to play hard to get.”
    I jumped off the gurney and reached for my bag with my eyes fixed on David. There had to be some explanation for this. Was I still dreaming?
    “I have to go home,” I told the nurse.
    “You’ll have to sign yourself out at the office,” the nurse advised me, handing me an excuse.
    My hands were trembling as I reached for the piece of paper. The nurse took note of that and offered to call my mother again.
    “No, I’ll be okay,” I said.
    “I will accompany her. She will be fine with me,” David offered.
    I would most certainly not be okay with him escorting me. I was absolutely, positively freaking out. But what was I supposed to say to the nurse? How was it possible that this boy that had manifested in my dreams was now in the physical world? Who could I tell that would believe me? I couldn’t tell Dr. Jameson, Andy, or my mother. They would have me in a straight jacket before I could have a chance to run.
    Maybe I was experiencing a state of mania. Maybe nothing happened in the hallway. It could have all played out in my mind. I had read about schizophrenia in those pamphlets in the waiting room at Dr. Jameson’s office. My brain might be playing this out by itself and making me believe it was real.
    David took my bag and let me lead the way into the hall. Once the door closed behind him, I turned and gawked at him again.
    He took me by the arm and cornered me between the soda machine and the wall. He towered over me at about six feet tall.
    “You are to tell no one. Do you understand?” His face was hard and serious.
    He took several steps back and let me through. My ears started to get hot, and I started breaking out in hives all over my chest and arms.
    “What’s wrong with you?” He wrinkled his brow examining the red patches on my skin.
    Tears started flowing from my eyes.
    “Are you going to abduct me or something? Kill me?” I cried silently.
    “What, in heaven’s name, are you saying?” David pulled me to the side of the vending machine again. “Why would I commit such an atrocity?”
    I dropped to the floor weeping.
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