Creation Facts of Life

Creation Facts of Life Read Online Free PDF

Book: Creation Facts of Life Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gary Parker
Tags: RELIGION / Religion & Science
translases (100 specific active sites) would be (1)
without ribosomes (50 proteins plus rRNA) to break the base-coded message of heredity into three-letter code names; (2)
without a continuously renewed supply of ATP energy to keep the translases from tearing up the pairs they are supposed to form; and (3)
if it weren't for having translases and other specific proteins to re-make the translase proteins that are continuously and rapidly wearing out because of the destructive effects of time and chance on protein structure!
    Most enzymes are proteins that select and speed up chemical reactions that would occur slowly without them.
are an entirely different category of enzymes. They
impose a relationship
that transcends the chemistry of base triplets and amino acids,
a code that would not occur at all, slowly or otherwise, in their absence.
    Let's forget about all the complexity of the DNA-protein relationship and just remember two simple points. First, it takes
proteins to make
proteins. That may remind you of the chicken-and-egg problem: how can you get one without the other? That problem is solved if the molecules needed for "DNA-protein translation" are produced by creation.
    Second, among all the molecules that translate DNA into protein, there's not one molecule that is alive. There's not a single molecule in your body that's alive. There's not a single molecule in the living cell that's alive. A living cell is a collection of non-living molecules! What does it take to make a living cell alive? The answer is something every scientist recognizes and uses in a laboratory, something every scientist can logically infer from his observations of DNA and protein. What does it take to make a living cell alive?
Creative design and organization!
    Only creative acts could organize matter into the first living cells,
but once all the parts are in place, there is nothing "supernatural" or "mysterious" in the way cells make proteins. If
they are continually supplied with the right kind of energy and raw materials, and
if all
75-plus of the RNA and protein molecules required for DNA-protein "translation" are present in the
places at the
times in the
amounts with the
cells make proteins by using DNA's base series (quite indirectly!) to line up amino acids at the rate of about two per second.
In ways scientists understand rather well,
it takes a living cell only about four minutes to "crank out" an average protein (500 amino acids) according to DNA specifications.
    Scientists also understand how airplanes fly. For that very reason, no scientist believes that airplanes are the result of time, chance, and the properties of aluminum and other materials that make up the airplane. Flying is a property of organization, not of substance. A Boeing 747, for example, is a collection of 4.5 million non-flying parts, but thanks to design and creation (and a continuous supply of energy and of repair services!), it flies.
    Similarly, "life" is a property of
not of
A living cell is a collection of several billion non-living molecules, and death results when a shortage of energy or a flaw in the operational or repair mechanisms allows inherent chemical processes to destroy its biological order.
    It's what we
do know
can explain
about aluminum and the laws of physics that would convince us that airplanes are the products of creation, even if we never saw the acts of creation. In the same way, it's what we
do know
can explain
about DNA and protein and the laws of chemistry which suggests that life itself is the result of special creation.
    My point is not based on design
per se,
but on the
kind of design
we observe. As creationists point out, some kinds of design, such as snowflakes and wind-worn rock formations,
result from time and chance
— given
the properties of the materials involved. Even complex relationships, such
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