Cowgirl Up and Ride

Cowgirl Up and Ride Read Online Free PDF

Book: Cowgirl Up and Ride Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lorelei James
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Western, western romance, Red Hots!
it to Dad today, but I told Uncle Darren I’d check out the problems he’s havin’ with that old Chevy of Grandpop’s. Uncle Harland ain’t any help because he’s tryin’ to keep an eagle eye on Dag. I’m surprised Dag wadn’t here last night to join in the debauchery.”
    His brother scowled. “He and Colt got into it last week. Knock-down, drag-out fistfight at Ziggy’s. Both drunk as shit. They ain’t talkin’. For now. Won’t last. Hell, they neither one of ’em probably remember. Don’t know which one of ’em is in worse shape.
    They both drink too goddamn much.”
    “Ain’t the pot callin’ the kettle black, is it, bro?”
    Kane shook his head. “I know when to stop.”
    Kade studied his brother. They might look exactly alike, but contrary to what Jasmine said, it wasn’t like looking in a mirror. He and Kane were polar opposites in many respects.
    “So how was your date with…what was her name? You were home early.”

    Cowgirl Up and Ride
    “Skylar? Nice woman.” Kane stared into his coffee cup. “Too nice if you know what I mean. Probably be a dozen dinner dates before I’d get invited into her bed. I decided she wasn’t worth it.”
    “We’re getting cynical. If it ain’t easy, we don’t want it. And if it’s too easy, it ain’t worth nothin’ either.”
    “Speak for yourself. I like havin’ pussy flashed in my face all the goddamn time.
    And when did you designate yourself the moral compass for the whole damn house?”
    “When I realized we’re all headed the wrong damn direction, Kane.”
    Kane blinked with confusion. “You seem to be the only one who feels that way.”
    They finished the pot of coffee in silence.
    Colt’s bedroom door was still closed as they headed out. “Think we oughta wake up Sleeping Beauty?” Kane asked.
    “Nah. He deserves to get his ass chewed by Uncle Carson if he shows up late.”
    “Or by Colby.”
    Kade grinned. “Or worse yet, by Cord.”
    “Ooh, that’s just plain fuckin’ mean, bro.”
    “Not as mean as me callin’ Aunt Carolyn and tellin’ her what an animal her son’s become. If she sees this place she’ll blow a gasket.”
    “Yeah, but then she’ll tell Ma.”
    “Almost be worth it not to live in a pigsty.”
    “So which one of us is gonna talk to him about all this crap?”
    Kane clapped his hat on his head. “I’ll do it, but you’ll owe me.”
    “Deal. What do you want?”
    “Don’t know. Let me think on it and get back to you.”
    Kade scowled. “I hate it when you say that.”
    He laughed. “Why do you think I do it?” 31

    Lorelei James

Chapter Five
    “You wanna dance?”
    AJ smiled at the hunky cowboy. “Thanks, but no. I’m sitting this one out.”
    A hopeful gleam lit his eyes. “Maybe later then?”
    “Maybe.” If things didn’t go her way.
    She crossed her legs and tugged her white mini-skirt. Pulled her lacy shirt down.
    Damn thing kept riding up and exposing her lower back. Her boot tapped on the metal rung of the barstool in time to the music. She tried not to look anxious, but Lord, she’d been waiting for this night her whole life.
    Take a deep breath. He’ll show.
    What if he didn’t? What if Cord McKay spent the day over-analyzing her offer like he over-analyzed everything else? She imagined him tooling around in his truck, doing chores, a look of concentration on his handsome face as he convinced himself he was too old for her. He had a kid to raise, a ranch to run and no time to be messing with his little sister’s best friend.
    But then AJ remembered how hot Cord’s eyes burned every time he’d looked at her last night. He wanted her, but he didn’t want to want her.
    Too bad. If he did show up, she’d pull out all the stops and make herself impossible to resist.
    She scanned the bar. Decent crowd tonight, lots of folks she knew. Then again, she’d lived in Sundance, Wyoming since birth; there were few
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