this somehow. It'll get better once we leave the castle for good and leave Jason behind us. Then he won't even be here to make Mick jealous ever again."
Abhik stared at me, and then sighed.
"Now what?" I asked.
"What happens when Jason gets his file? In a couple of years he will graduate, receive his file and then he will suddenly remember everything. What then? What if he comes to find you?"
I dropped my eyes to the ground. I had thought about that, a lot actually. I hoped that by then Mick and I would be so happily married with our child and a family that I would have forgotten about Jason, or I wouldn't even care about him. But I also thought my feelings for Jason would have disappeared by now, by the time I said I do at the altar. I realized they hadn’t last night when I stood close to him. I just didn't want to admit it to myself.
Abhik put a finger under my chin and lifted my head. I looked into his brown eyes. I was so grateful to have a friend like him in this world. And now he wasn't even here anymore. He had gone to the next world.
"Do you want me to stay here a couple of weeks?" Abhik asked. "I'm sure Mai won't mind."
I sniffed and nodded. "Silly selfish me," I said. "I have been so caught up in all my stuff that I forgot to ask about the two of you. How are you doing? Are you getting serious?"
Abhik shrugged. "We take it one day at a time. We have plenty of it, you know. But yes we enjoy each other's company and that's the only thing that matters, isn't it?"
"I guess," I said. It had been a long time since I had a good time with Mick. Maybe this honeymoon would change all that.
"I could use your help with some stuff after I return," I said. "I have some things I would like to have done before I give birth. A few things in my past need to be sorted out."
"I would love to help you with that," Abhik said.
"I'll explain more once we've returned."
Now I was looking at him through the window of the big carriage. He was standing in front of the crowd waving and smiling. I smiled back as the carriage started moving and soar quickly into the air. Soon Abhik was nothing than a dot on the ground as clouds surrounded us.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"You'll see," Mick said. He was sitting in front of me with his hat in his hands. We were an odd couple, I thought to myself. He was so old-fashioned, always so elegant and graceful in his movements. A true gentleman. Then there was me. I was wearing jeans, a top and a small jacket. It had to look strange. I wondered what I was going to pick for my looks in Heaven. Abhik had told me that there were plenty of clothes and we didn't have to wear the same thing all the time like here on the castle. In Heaven it was all up to me. If I wanted a closet filled with the most wonderful dresses, then that was what I was going to get. Maybe I would pick some more old-fashioned stuff, I thought. To better match Mick. Maybe I would wear beautiful ball gowns all day long? I laughed at the thought.
"What's so funny?" asked Mick.
I shook my head. "Nothing. I was just thinking about going to Heaven and what it will be like. I'm looking forward to starting our life as a family." The baby began kicking as I spoke and I put my hand on it. It had grown since yesterday, I thought. Good thing my jeans could stretch.
"It's kicking," I told Mick. "Do you want to feel it?"
I grabbed his hand and put it on the bump. Just as I did the baby kicked and Mick gasped. I smiled and so did he.
"I am certain that Rahmiel can provide you some maternity clothes. A big dress or something more comfortable," he said. "I'll ask her when we return. You have after all graduated so your situation is special. You are done with being vain."
I looked at him. I guess I was done with all that. I knew that was why they let us look like we did when we died, to keep vanity out of our minds. And being as it was, that we couldn't see our own reflection in a mirror, there was really no reason to be vain.