Counterstrike (Black Fleet Trilogy, Book 3)

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Book: Counterstrike (Black Fleet Trilogy, Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joshua Dalzelle
    “Interesting,” Jackson said, not bothering to ask how the hell the master chief had contacts aboard a warship whose very existence was a highly classified secret until very recently.
    “Captain, word from the Amsterdam is that Admiral Marcum will address the fleet within the next hour,” Lieutenant Keller said from the com station. “I’m being told to have all hands standing by.”
    “Very good, Lieutenant.” Jackson sat in his seat, cringing inwardly at the residual warmth left by Barrett. “Send out the word to all sections: keep working but be ready to get in front of a monitor within a moment’s notice.”
    “Aye, sir.”
    “I will keep this brief as we all have a lot of work to do,” Fleet Admiral Joseph Marcum said to the camera lens sitting in front of his desk. “I am recording and broadcasting this command level briefing from the TCS Amsterdam and it will be distributed to every corner of Terran space via the com drone network.
    “As per the charter that the Terran Starfleet and all of CENTCOM operates under, I am exercising my right as Chief of Staff to declare a state of dire emergency and supersede all previous postings, orders, and assignments until said emergency is reduced in threat or eliminated.” He leaned back and slid the paper he’d been reading from aside.
    “All of you know what’s been happening on the Frontier and that the Phage have gone on the offensive and destroyed Haven and Jericho Station. It is now obvious that this enemy is not content to harass our borders and intends to hit us, hard, wherever it can. It is also obvious, at least to me, that with our elected leadership in tatters it falls on us to mount any sort of meaningful defense.
    “We’ve been given a real chance in the form of an ally with extensive intelligence on the enemy that has allowed us to begin forming a plan that will take the fight to them. Greater details will be forthcoming in later technical briefs and specific orders. For right now, all you need to know is that, in following within the letter of the law, I am temporarily restructuring Starfleet in order to provide our command and control greater agility. In short: all Terran warships are now on detached duty to Seventh Fleet and will operate within those parameters. You heard me correctly. We are all Black Fleet now.
    “Specific orders are attached to this message, but they all say more or less the same thing. Every CO needs to get his or her ship prepped and steaming for New Sierra at best possible speed. I will forego the motivational speech at the end of this brief because you all have a lot of work to do. Marcum out.”
    “The admiral isn’t fucking around with this one,” Chief Green said, the first one on the bridge of the Ares to find his voice.
    “Does he really have the authority to do that?” Barrett asked.
    “Yes,” Davis said even as she read from the CENTCOM operational charter. “He’s stretched the meaning a bit, but he’s exercising a clause that’s never been used since the restructuring of Starfleet over a century ago.”
    “Captain, there’s a private com channel request coming in for you from the Amsterdam ,” Keller said.
    “I more or less expected this, Lieutenant,” Jackson stood up. “Send it to my office.”
    “Aye, sir.”
    “That was quite a surprise, Admiral,” Jackson said once the channel had been established and the encryption routine was stabilized.
    “I’m taking a page out of your book, Wolfe,” Marcum growled. “I figured I’d see if taking direct, shocking action will garner me the same sort of luck you’ve enjoyed.”
    “I see,” Jackson said noncommittally.
    “Now here’s where it gets serious,” Marcum went on. “I don’t expect every ship to follow their new order. Most COs were put in place due to political connections within the individual enclaves, and their loyalties likely will remain there. I also don’t expect President McKellar to take
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