Copycat Mystery

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Book: Copycat Mystery Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gertrude Chandler Warner
gathering wildflowers. She gave the Aldens a warm smile.
    “What a charming picture you make in those old-fashioned clothes!” she said. “By the way,” she added, “how do those pants feel, Benny?”
    “They feel just right!” Benny told her, with a nod and a grin. “Thanks for making them shorter, Miss Pennink.”
    “Well, we can’t have our guides tripping over their pant legs,” said Miss Pennink as she fell into step beside them. “Isn’t it a beautiful day to be out in the country?” she added.
    The Aldens were quick to agree. “Do you miss living out here, Miss Pennink?” Violet wondered.
    “Oh, yes,” she replied. “Of course, I have a very nice little house in town. And it does have a bit of a backyard. But this farm still feels like home to me. It does my heart good, though, to see the old place restored.
    “Draper, of course, did his best to keep the house from completely falling apart,” she went on. “But the truth is, I didn’t have enough money to pay for all the work that needed to be done. Now, thanks to the museum, the farmhouse looks just as wonderful as it did before the days of electricity and indoor plumbing.”
    “Our boxcar didn’t have electricity, either,” Benny commented. “Or running water. And you know what else? We even cooked over an open fire!”
    After the Aldens took turns telling Miss Pennink all about their boxcar days, she shook her head in amazement. “What smart children you are!” she exclaimed. “And maybe you didn’t have electricity or running water, but you had something else.”
    They turned to look at her.
    “You had one another,” she told them. “And that’s more important than anything else.”
    The Aldens knew it was true, and they exchanged happy glances. “Now we have Grandfather, too,” Violet said in a soft voice.
    “Don’t forget about Mrs. McGregor and Watch,” Benny added. “Their pictures are in the Alden family album, too.”
    Miss Pennink suddenly lowered her voice. “There used to be a picture of my great-great-grandfather in the parlor of the farmhouse,” she said.
    Henry looked puzzled. “ Used to be?”
    Miss Pennink leaned closer and whispered, “Carl Mason had it removed!”
    The Aldens were surprised to hear this. “Why did he do that?” asked Benny.
    “Because Carl Mason has no sense of humor whatsoever!” cried Miss Pennink. No sooner had the words escaped than she clapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh, I didn’t mean to say that. It just upsets me that Mr. Mason wants the world to . . . well, to forget all about Horace Wagner!”
    “Your great-great-grandfather’s picture was actually removed from the parlor?” Jessie said, finding it hard to believe.

    “The farmhouse wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for Horace Wagner!” Violet pointed out.
    Miss Pennink nodded. “I suppose Mr. Mason was afraid it would raise a few questions about Horace and his practical jokes. From visitors, I mean.”
    “Why would anyone ask about his practical jokes,” Henry wanted to know, “just because of a photograph?”
    “Because Horace could never resist a practical joke,” Miss Pennink explained, smiling a little. “Not even when he was being photographed.”
    The children stared wide-eyed at Miss Pennink. “What do you mean?”
    Miss Pennink’s voice was hushed. “In the photograph, Horace has a flower tucked behind his ear!”
    Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny looked at one another and began to laugh.
    Miss Pennink laughed, too, as they continued through the orchard. “That portrait really is the funniest thing!” she said. “Horace looks so solemn and stern, but he has this silly flower that ought to be in his buttonhole—”
    “Stuck behind his ear!” finished Benny. He liked Horace Wagner!
    “I’d like to see that photograph!” said Henry.
    Violet was still giggling. “Your great-great-grandfather sure wasn’t a prim and proper Victorian, Miss Pennink.”
    “No, indeed!” agreed Miss
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