
Control Read Online Free PDF

Book: Control Read Online Free PDF
Author: M. S. Willis
and I started to wonder if I was going to make it out of there.
when I was starting to give up hope, an amazing set of arms wrapped around me
and I was suddenly being hoisted up onto the speaker.  I was placed down
and one of those arms stretched out in front of me to keep me from falling
forward.  I took a second to catch my breath and turned to thank whoever
grabbed me.  As soon as I caught sight of his clear blue eyes, my breath
hitched and I was momentarily stunned silent.  I continued my exploration
of the person beside me and discovered a chiseled square jaw, lightly sprinkled
with five o’clock shadow.  His face was framed with messy dark brown
hair.  My gaze slowly wandered downward and found the most drool worthy
broad shoulders a girl could ever ask for.  His t-shirt was pulled tight
over his chest and biceps and his mid-section dipped down into a perfect
‘V’.  His dark blue jeans perfectly accentuated his muscular legs which
hung over the edge of the speaker.  I looked back up into those eyes and
he smiled the most jaw dropping smile, revealing two dimples on either side of
his mouth.
leaned over to speak closer to my ear.  “Sorry to manhandle you without
permission, but you looked like you could use some help down there.”  His
voice was a deep enough timbre that it wasn’t difficult for me to hear him over
the music.  I continued staring at his sculpted mouth like an idiot and
then shook my head to free myself from his spell.  I could feel my face
getting hot from looking at him.
yeah, thanks for that.  It normally doesn’t get that bad down there and I
wasn’t expecting to get trapped.”  I smiled at him and then turned my
attention back to the stage.  The band was starting in on their second
song and the crowd calmed for a moment before picking it back up with the
increasing tempo of the song.
leaned over to me again.  “No problem, beautiful, I’m always happy to
assist a fair damsel in her time of distress.”  Even though his lips were
brushing over my ear, causing tremors; and his hot breath rolling down my neck
was doing wonderful things for my body, I was suddenly annoyed.
shouted over the music at him.  “Please don’t say that.”
He looked at me and his confusion at what I had said was clearly written in his
    “Don’t call
me a damsel in distress.  It’s degrading and I don’t appreciate being
classified by use of a demeaning stereotype.”  I turned my attention back
to the stage for a second time and we sat watching the show without
speaking.  I was distinctly aware of his shoulder and thigh pressing into
my side and I was disturbed by how his body heat was affecting me.  His
cologne weaved a trail straight over to my face and I breathed it in deeply
before realizing what I was doing.  After a blissful half hour of music immersion,
the band finished their set and I discovered that I had started leaning into
him.  I also realized how thirsty I was and was thankful that I could go
get something to drink.  The problem with being stuck on a speaker is that
it doesn’t often present the opportunity to refresh your beverage.
crowd below us started to disperse from the pit and he jumped down from the
speaker.  I scooted my butt as far to the front as I could and looked down
preparing to jump.  It was at that moment I remembered I hated heights and
I quickly determined that I was in the middle of an unfortunate
looked to my right and left hoping that someone had the foresight to install a
ladder on the sides of the speaker.  When it became clear that I was out of
luck in that department, I looked down into the eyes of my newest
acquaintance.  He had a smug look on his face as he watched me attempt to
get down.  He reached up his hands to offer assistance and chuckled.
where I’m standing, ‘damsel in distress’ might be an adequate category for
you.  This is the second
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