
Conspiracy Read Online Free PDF

Book: Conspiracy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lady Grace Cavendish
once we were on flat ground in the courtyard, but I did a bit more hobbling anyway as he went away.
    The Queen came down with Lady Helena and we all went into the walled garden, where there are apricots trained on the south-facing walls and new roses in raised beds.
    The Queen started pacing around as she always does, walking very fast, with the lapdogs skittering about behind her. Mary Shelton took the leads. As arranged, neither the Earl of Leicester nor any of the other courtiers were there, although the Gentlemen of the Guard were standing by the gates, of course, and their Captain, Mr. Hatton, wouldn't be far off.
    We heard all the clattering and neighing when the Prince's entourage arrived, but of course pretended not to. And then the gate swung open and a very tall handsome man, dressed all in black velvet, withcrimson lining showing in his trunk hose, came hurrying in, followed by a couple of noblemen, one carrying a long package. Prince Sven has the most amazing long legs and broad shoulders, and he has bright blond hair and quite the palest blue eyes I have ever seen.
    “Vere is she, the Goddess Diana, the fairest Queen?” he demanded, in English spoken with a strong Swedish accent.
    The Queen turned and put her hand to her mouth as if she were shy. Then she turned back again.
    Prince Sven came striding past the rose bushes and threw himself on his knees in front of her—after one of the noblemen we met yesterday had discreetly pointed the Queen out to him.
    “Your Majesty, forgive me!” he said. “I could not vait for your gracious audience. I had to come and see you in the garden, vere all the roses are ashamed to bloom if you are near.” He gabbled this speech in a sort of shout, as if he were afraid he might forget the next words. I was sure he did not know what it all meant.
    The Queen smiled and gave him her hand to kiss, which he did very passionately.
    “Rise, Your Grace,” she said. “Your presence is most welcome to us in this our realm of England.”
    Lady Helena was at her side, translating now, and the Prince answered in Swedish, rolling his eyes at the Queen very romantically.
    It sounded funny when Lady Helena said in her sweet, gentle voice, “When my lord of Leicester came to say that you would receive me, my joy was infinite.”
    “Will you join us in our pleasures and revels here, then, Your Grace?” asked the Queen, and Lady Helena translated.
    “Yes,” said the Prince, nodding vigorously, and he beckoned over his shoulder to the nobleman carrying the long package.
    Lady Helena said, “His Grace begs you will accept a small token of his love, most beauteous Diana—Artemis, maiden of the chase.”
    The Queen clapped her hands and laughed quite girlishly. Considering how many presents people give her, I think it's very nice how much she still likes to get them.
    The man holding the package was the Prince's secretary, who had looked so serious when he delivered the hunting horn to the Queen yesterday. I noticed that he still looked rather grim-faced, as he came forward and kneeled to givethis new present to the Prince, who gave it to the Queen.
    She unwrapped the crimson taffety and gasped. It was a short hunting bow—the kind a lady uses, but made of ivory, not wood, and amazingly carved and decorated with gold and jewels. The Queen loves hunting and this was a beautiful bow. It came with a red leather quiver and in the quiver were the arrows. One of them was larger than the others and glittered in the sun. The Queen drew it out and we saw that the arrow was made of silver, with a gold barb and diamonds all along the fletching.
    Prince Sven went to one knee again. “Vith this arrow, the arrow of your beauteous gaze, Queen Elizabeth, you have pierced my poor heart, most chaste, most puissant Queen,” he gabbled, frowning with the effort of remembering.
    “You gladden my heart, Your Grace,” the Queen said, handing the bow to Lady Helena to hold for her. “Would you like to
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