Sarai spun and feasted her eyes on King Conri. Hi dark
hair had been tamed, the blood washed from his face and arms and he had changed
into- well, well- he had changed into jeans and a black silk shirt. Sarai
decided he looked dashing. She smiled demurely, although she was a little
shocked to reference herself as ‘demure’.
“May I have this dance?” Sarai looked around at the
graceful bodies all moving as one. “I’m afraid I do not know this one.”
He smiled and her heart skipped. “Not to worry, it
easy to pick up. Just follow my lead.”
He stepped to her and bowed, like a good and proper
Jane Austin bow. Having only seen a few time-pieced movies she hastily
curtseyed and the dance began. Step in and then out, arm up touch palms, turn
in a tight circle. Step back, back in and then back out, turn in a tight circle
with a slow little hiccup-step. She was slowly getting it unit he forced her to
turn and a man had his hand up- waiting for her hand. She complied, following
the steps of the dance. The new man forced her to turn and she was facing Conri
again. She was pretty sure she had it now, it was grace and redundancies.
“I meant to ask you something.”
“And what was that?” Conri responded, his attention fully
on her.
“When you found us in the cave you shifted to a man.”
“But... what I mean is.... are the myths wrong?”
“To what do you refer?”
“You were fully clothed. In the myths I am used to
when a ware-animal shifts from animal to human, they are naked.”
Conri nods thoughtfully. “Well first we aren’t ware
animas, we are shifters. Our shifting is not controlled by moon cycles.” He
chuckled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “As for our clothing- synthetic clothing
does not transfer to animal form. It is too rigid and unnatural. These jeans
would be a shredded mess if I shifted now. But! We have found, through trial
and error, that animal skin- in its purest form and untainted by chemical, can
meld into our skin and fir when we shift to our Leopard. And visa versa.
Unfortunately for us, Leopard pelts work best.”
Sarai cringed because that would mean someone of their
own kind would have to die...unless.
“Which you can get from killing a Reprobate?”
Conri’s lips twitched, it was almost a smile. “Yes.
When we die we return to or stay in our truest form. Nearly all of us return to
our animal form. The rarities are noble blood; powerful blood. Those noble of
noble blood retain the human form; it is a sign that this blood was pure and
should be revered. It’s all very complicated.”
Sarai raised a brow, “I think I understand. When you
die, your form will be a man.”
“I can only hope Sarai.”
Sarai had to look away when he said her name, she
could feel her cheeks heat and she knew it wasn’t embarrassment. The song ended
and as Sarai turned to applaud the band she realized she and Conri had been
standing still, almost embracing as they talked. This time she did blush.
“What are the festivities for?” She asked Conri over
her shoulder. “Or is this just general antics?”
“You see there,” He said and pointed over her
shoulder. She only had to tilt her head to follow his arm. He was close enough
that if she breathed out of her nose hard enough, the hairs on his arms would
wave. She nodded. “The three cubs up
there just turned three. They are all female. And if they make it to three they
will survive.”
“Oh, well yes that is a joyous event.” Sarai wondered
if she should tell him about her observation or if it should wait.
“We value our females here, there are held at the highest
esteem. To harm one for selfish endeavors is almost as highly punishable as
harming –” Sarai looked up at Conri, “It is punishable by death.”
The music started up again and this time it was the tempo’d rock music. “Will you accompany me on a walk?”
“A walk? Where? It’s storming
“The kingdom is vast;
Jodi Picoult, Jennifer Finney Boylan