required more energy than they had.
They only ate once. It was about 7pm when they finally decide to just have microwave dinners and continuing the sitcom marathon. It was a day to recuperate in the comfort of their new place. At about 10pm Aria decided it was time to turn in for a good night’s rest before the start of the week. She kissed Billy good night and walked off to the bedroom. She stripped down to just her panties and climbed into bed, feeling the warm blanket wrap around her. Out in the living room, Billy had lowered the volume of the television so as to not disturb her.
It was nearly 1am when Aria woke up for no apparent reason and noticed Billy had still not come to bed. She walked out into the living room, wondering if he had just passed out on the couch, to find he wasn’t out there. She saw the light of the bathroom on and was about to walk back to the bedroom when a flash from his laptop screen caught her attention.
She figured it was nothing and thought she should ignore it, a second flash sparked her interest too much. She walked over to the laptop and was stunned by what she saw on the screen. It was some sort of website detailing different practices of BDSM.
The flashing was a result of some advertisement on the side bar for a BDSM porn website. She wasn’t horrified or put off by it at all. She was just completely surprised. In all the time she had been with Billy she had no idea he had any kind of interest in something so kinky. She heard the toilet flush and she ran back to the room, quietly and carefully shutting the door behind her.
She climbed in to bed and leaned against the headboard, wondering why he had never mentioned anything to her or even dropped a hint. She felt a similar stirring to that one she had felt at the party when she imagined using the ribbons of the bow to tie him up.
Maybe I should’ve just gone for it , she thought now.
That is when it dawned on her he probably had never brought it up for the same reason she hadn’t. She was always worried he would think she was crazy or even worry he wasn’t satisfying her in bed. None of this was the case, of course, but she was so used to the negative social stigma surrounding BDSM that it was a notion and fear deeply engrained in her.
She wanted to bring it up to him but had no idea how to go about it. This wasn’t something you could just blurt out randomly, after all. Even if she tried talking about fantasies she doubted it would work. They had already engaged in that conversation more than once and it had never come up. It would be weird to start that discussion again and suggest anything even related to BDSM. At least she felt like he would think it came totally out of nowhere.
But she also came to realize this could potentially be the answer to the problem she had picked up on. This could possibly be the thing that was missing from their sex life. Maybe they had both reached a place where the comfort of the relationship took over to a point where something they really desired ended up standing out and affecting their regular sex life. It was hard to process but she wanted now, more than ever, to somehow bring it up.
Unless I try something , she thought.
It would have to be something small and she would have to make sure every step of the way he was okay with it. After all, just because he was reading up on it or curious about it didn’t necessarily mean he was ready to experiment with it. This was, of course, assuming he had never done any BDSM activities in the past with other partners. She heard his footsteps walking towards the bedroom door and she quickly dove under the blanket, pretending to be asleep when the door opened. He slipped into bed next to her. She felt his arm drape over her waist before drifting off to sleep. She could think about this some more tomorrow.
It was hard to