Committed (Book 2) (30 Days)

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Book: Committed (Book 2) (30 Days) Read Online Free PDF
Author: K Larsen
me posted.”
“Of course. Talk to you later.”
“Bye Joe.”

The rest of the day drags by like time’s standing still. I try exploring the city but it’s not fun alone and my mind wanders to thoughts of Elle and the things we did together. I tried zoning out to the movie I rented but I couldn't pay attention enough to follow along. I stare out the window and watch the sun descend before standing and arranging everything I need into my duffel bag for tonight. I pull out the well-worn, tattered letter from Elle and read it over like I do at least once every day.

If you’re reading this I trust you’ve met Mr. Jowett and I’m gone. I’m so sorry. There are things that I couldn’t tell you. Things that I thought would change the way you see me, the way you feel about me. I’ve learned to always tell someone how you feel because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye but regret can last forever, yet I didn’t tell you how I felt, so let me start with that...

You are my heart, every breath I breathe. I’m safe when I’m in your arms. Where I’m weak, you’re strong. I love you because you have given me no choice but to. You took the time to memorize me my fears, my hopes and dreams and you’ll never understand how much that means to me. Please know my heart is in your hands. It's nothing that I understand, because until you I’ve never felt this way... but in your arms you have complete power over me. I love you Colin.

My name was Elle Parks, my father owned Parks Industries. I know what you’re thinking...yes, that Parks Industries. When I told you I had money, I meant a lot of it. After my sister’s death I was lost. I couldn't stand Ryan and I couldn't see any way out. The night he hit me I got in my car and left. I drove down the road and purposely drove my car into a tree in an attempt to end my life. I woke up four days later in the hospital psychiatric ward. Ryan got power of attorney in order to keep me committed, in order to have access to all my inheritance. Seven months after being trapped in there I escaped... and that basically brings us current to when we met. I’m sure Joe has filled you in on what he’s trying to do. I’m not crazy Colin. I swear I’m not crazy. I don't know if I’ll see you again. I don’t know how this ends but I wanted to tell you how much I love you, how much you mean to me. I hope you can forgive my omissions. I hope I’ll see you again. I can’t imagine my world without you in it.
Love Elle
    It’s a constant reminder that what little I’m doing for her right now means a lot in the end. I just have to have faith. This will all work out. I will hold her in my arms again and I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe. I miss her in the mornings when we’d have breakfast together. I miss her coming by the gym for trainings and I miss having her curled against me at night. I miss her voice.



I’m all nerves waiting for the day to pass. Rachel’s statement to Joe along with the police report from my now crime scene cottage should go a long way in at least getting me out of here sometime soon. It’s impossible to focus on anything my new therapist is saying at this point. My mind is too consumed with next steps and playing this waiting game.
“So you feel that you don't belong in here?”
“I know I don't. This whole committed ordeal was a sick game my husband played to acquire my inheritance.”
“That sounds awfully paranoid Elle.” I sigh and bring my eyes directly to my new therapist.
“It does, yes, but it’s also true. Are we done for today?” My tone short.
“Elle, it would be really helpful if you talked to me.” She urges.
“I’m the only surviving heir to Park’s Industries. My husband gambles and probably owes bad people lots of money. He also thinks he deserves to live like a King just because he breathes. I’m pretty sure he had my sister killed and I know he promised my last therapist a large
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