Comfort to the Enemy (2010)

Comfort to the Enemy (2010) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Comfort to the Enemy (2010) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elmore - Carl Webster 03 Leonard
    Wesley Sellers was in his office waiting for Carl.
    Well, I put your boy Gary Marion in with the Kraut. I told him to leave his sidearm here and get it on the way out, and I'm glad I did. He wasn't in the cell two minutes he takes a swing at Jurgen. Jurgen grabs the folding chair Gary brought in and bangs him over the head with it. We had to run him to the hospital to get his scalp sewed up. Something like seventeen stitches.
    Carl said, And now Gary wants to shoot him. Wesley said, I wouldn't be surprised. Say he caught him trying to escape.
    Chapter Four
    Jurgen Schrenk, Escape Artist
    Otto Penzler's rank was SS Sturmbannfnhrer, or Storm Command Leader; but for th e p ast few months, since the July 20th attempt on Hitler's life had failed, he was signing cam p d irectives and memoranda Major Otto Penzler.
    Jurgen could talk to Otto. Both wer e f rom Cologne, Otto five years older and wit h f ive more years in the army, the Abwehr branc h o f military intelligence his first few years. Bot h w ere schooled in National Socialism and coul d t alk the Nazi talk. Otto had joined the SS, h e t old Jurgen with a straight face, to be seen as a n a ctive guardian of racial purity. Jurgen said , Not because it's elite and you like the blac k u niform. In the African desert Otto ha d c ommanded Panzers and was known among his men as the Scharfrichter, the Executioner of British tanks. At the Deep Fork camp he was a member of the Escape Committee.
    This day in October Otto came into the solitary confinement room with the metal folding chair the guard had given him. Jurgen, sitting on his cot, squinted in the overhead light that came on.
    I have news you won't like, Otto said, unfolding hi s c hair and seating himself to face Jurgen. But first, I have to ask why you don't come to the Committee with your escape plans. It upsets them.
    I've told you, Jurgen said, I don't make plans. I have a place where I go under the fence.
    There's a guard you take care of?
    I came back the first time, he asked me how I escaped. I told him I go out for a few days, that's all, I'm not actually escaping. I gave him a service medal. I give him swastika pins and arm bands, spoons, utensils from mess kits.
    Otto Penzler, also liked to wear shorts and the soft desert cap with the long peak, brought out a pack of Camels, gave one to Jurgen and lighted them. Jurgen got up from the cot to stretch and lean against the wall.
    What is the news I won't like?
    Rommel's dead, Otto said.
    He waited for Jurgen who began to nod his head.
    They killed him, Jurgen said.
    They made him take poison.
    But he wasn't at Wolf's Lair?
    Not anywhere near it. Stauffenberg arrived with the explosive device in his briefcase. He's already lost an arm and an eye for the Fnhrer so they don't make him open the case. Huesinger was there with maps of the eastern front. Stauffenberg placed his case under the map table and excused himself, he has to make a phone call. He's outside, walking away from the conference room and the device explodes. Stauffenberg assumes the Fnhrer is dead.
    Why wasn't he?
    He must have moved away from the table. Rommel was named with the ones in the plot, not as an active participant but in favor of doing away with the Fnhrer. Rommel was Germany's favorite general -the reason he was offered poison and not hanged by the neck. If he accepted it he'd be given a state funeral and his family would be treated with honor and supported for life.
    If he'd insisted on a trial---
    He knew better. He'd be found guilty and his family would be on their own. We don't have to worry about it, Otto said, do we? The Committee wants to know why you go out.
    They know why.
    They would like the woman to be German.
    What is Morrissey, English, Irish? I know she isn't a Jew or a gypsy, or a Latin from Manhattan.
    The only thing you do with her is go t o b ed?
    The only thing being everything, Jurgen said. But I'm also thinking of something, an event I'd like to see happen.
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